What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
I do not think that I would attempt that project with my L48 TLB.
No, I wouldn't either. You understand I'm not trying to drag it out. It would take a bulldozer or big trackhoe to do that. I'll go out in the flat bottom boat with my pole saw, limb it out. Cut the root ball off and skid the trunk out. Or just call my neighbor and see if he would come over with his Log Skidder.


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TG1860, BX2380 -backblade, bx2830 snowblower, fel, weight box,pallet forks,etc
Apr 11, 2021
NB, Canada
<This is a recording>............snowblowed for the umpteenth time @ O-Dark-Thirty. - LOL
25cms/10" of fairly light but slightly drifted white stuff.
Starting to hail/freezing rain/ice pellet when I was finishing up. (feels great on the face/eyeballs in 30km/h-20mph winds!) <not>

Weird, as it was -6*C/21*F

Never took any pix this time. I'll insert a wishful pic. (of what I'd rather have been doing at 6am) (just for posterity)
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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
No, I wouldn't either. You understand I'm not trying to drag it out. It would take a bulldozer or big trackhoe to do that. I'll go out in the flat bottom boat with my pole saw, limb it out. Cut the root ball off and skid the trunk out. Or just call my neighbor and see if he would come over with his Log Skidder.
Log skidder (after limbing) does sounds like best idea!


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Hopefully they can get it fixed at no charge to you. Maybe some of the prep work the tech at dealer did was incorrect possibly. Based on your pictures its not like you use it in the woods or on super rocky terrain that would knock something off from underneath.
Fixed! The problem was caused by a missing O-ring in a control valve fitting during assembly. Should be good to go now (crosses fingers). Big thank you to dealer for sending a tech/service truck pronto.

The leak was found under all the hydraulic hoses under the floor.

Oil leak 10.JPG
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Jul 5, 2022
Fixed! The problem was caused by a missing O-ring in a control valve fitting during assembly. Should be good to go now (crosses fingers). Big thank you to dealer for sending a tech/service truck pronto.

The leak was found under all the hydraulic hoses under the floor.

View attachment 95599
Nice! Glad they got it all fixed for you. I had no idea thats what was under the floor of an excavator, I knew there was a a good amount of hoses but didnt know there was that many.
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Jun 17, 2020
PEI Canada
Had a mix of snow, freezing rain then rain and its supposed to drop below freezing again so I blew a bit of snow.

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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
After L35 came over and made the last cuts in the trunk of one of the big oaks that was down, I was able to finish cutting through with my electric chainsaw. Used the grapple to roll the trunk to get at the uncut parts. Those last 5 pieces have to weigh 2 tons. I barely could lift the bottom piece - the relief valve was screaming.
Moved them off the lawn into the woods. Now just about 30' left of the second big oak to cut and move.
Of course there has been a price to pay for all this woodsey work. Without much effort I bent up my step - replaced already.
I was able to get the fel cylinders 'out of step'. Fortunately found a previous thread that shows how to get them back in alignment with a block of wood.
I managed to blow the fuse in my automated ssqa when swapping the grapple for the bucket. Didn't realize, 1 the fel arms were kaka and 2 one of the top tabs wasn't engaged because of it. I was so absorbed in watching the pins engage I didn't notice. Then everything got bound and the fuse blew.

All in all a good project.


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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
Post Oak blew over into the edge of the Fish Pond. Not quite sure how I'm going to go about cutting it up and removed, but confident it will involve the tractor is some way.

View attachment 95519

Had a similar size pine in our pond a couple years ago. A snatch block to double drawbar pull eased it out. Turned out biggest issue was the branches were driven into the muddy bottom so it took quite a bit more force to break it out than the force required to skid it across solid ground. If you have access to a skidder, might be the way to go on that one.
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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
View attachment 95644 View attachment 95645 View attachment 95646
Had a similar size pine in our pond a couple years ago. A snatch block to double drawbar pull eased it out. Turned out biggest issue was the branches were driven into the muddy bottom so it took quite a bit more force to break it out than the force required to skid it across solid ground. If you have access to a skidder, might be the way to go on that one.
Yep, that will be the trouble with mine as well (limbs jammed into the mud). I can top it out pretty well from the flat-bottom boat and my pole saw....but the trunk splits off into two sections, so separating those from a boat wouldn't be easy.

And when I cut the root ball loose the end of the trunk is going to fall down into the mud and be jammed there too.

I have a good sturdy tree nearby to anchor to though. I've got plenty of 3/4" cable and pulleys (old logging equipment) to lift the end of the trunk. But its going to be one of those deals where I have to take it out in pieces no matter what equipment is used. Its just all in the pond and its wet and soft all around it right now.

Guess I could wait until this summer....and if like last summer (severe drought) the pond will go down about 3' and I could walk right out the root ball and first part of the trunk. :confused:


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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Really good week for collecting sap…19 degrees this morning but it’s warming up quick with sun out…First boil of the year…I had lots of help.


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Kubota L3560HST-LE 4WD; R4 tires; Armstrong Ag BRG-mini grapple; 1272 box blade
Jul 9, 2022
Texas Hill Country
Added ~350 lbs to my box blade, then spread some topsoil. Getting ready to plant some sunflowers in anticipation of dove season here in the Texas Hill Country.
weight for box blade.jpg
spreading topsoil.jpg
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Some Orange today...

Ready to rip some brush

U27 Brush clearing.JPG

Brush hauling:

Got Forks 2.JPG

Made some room in the back bay for the mini to stay covered. Decided to park my truck across the high opening to offer a bit of concealment as well. My main garage doors (header) as about an inch shy of what I need to get it fully indoors. I may have to redo my garage doors to something larger.

U27 Den 2.JPG

U27 Den 1.JPG
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L35/TL720/BT900/York rake/Valby chipper
Jun 13, 2010
Air filter service today.

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L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
I pushed back the frozen snow banks around the door yard parking so that they were down over the fill banks so the water we are supposed to get this week has somewhere to run and not pool up.

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Gary Olson

Active member

L2501 w/FEL and grapple, 3pt auger
Mar 10, 2022
Mark Twain Forest
I used the bucket to hold up a tow hitch to the frame of the pickup so I could bolt it in. Better than jack stands and straps and other widgetry.
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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Did a little firewood yesterday. The electric company cut down a couple trees and I used the Kubota and grapple to get the "logs" out of the woods. I don't know why they cut the tree up and why they cut the blocks all in different sizes. These four were close to the same size.

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B2650 BH77 LA534 54" ssqa Forks B2782B BB1560 Woods M5-4 MaxxHaul 50039
Jan 3, 2019
Hadashville, Manitoba, Canada
Found there was a fuel leak from around the fuel filter area and it had left a diesel-soaked 3 foot circle in my gravel-floored hoop shed overnight since being parked there afternoon before. Was on my way to town so so stuck a clean bucket under the drip and got on it upon return, expecting to find that my bush logging work and resultant loose brush and sticks had bust the filter housing.
Drained what was left in the tank and it seemed like I'd lost most of half a tank of diesel to the gravel already overnight. Yukky mess in there, maybe be scooping some up with the loader and dump it at the burn pile, then replace with a good cover of clean gravel.

Anyway, I removed the filter housing and after a thorough cleaning and inspection without finding any damage I reassembled it carefully on the tractor and dumped a gallon of fresh diesel in the tanks and presto! NO LEAKS NOW so what the problem was is a bit of a mystery.

One thing that I noticed was I couldn't hand loosen the filter cup by hand for the life of me, needed a careful wrenching with a pipe wrench to break its threads free them I could spin it off.

I am guessing that the filter cup got jammed by a stiff branch resulting in it getting OVERtightened and threads got deformed just enough to allow fuel to drip past the o-ring.

It all ended well enough, though!

Except now I'm finding it's a $500 bill to buy a set of guard covers for the fuel filter and hydraulic and hst filters protection in the bush. Plus will the right-side HST filter cover plate protect the right side of the engine in front of the fuel filter, too? I've already had to replace a stick-broken rpm sender gauge once, and there's a lot more vulnerable components, wires and tubes there to be bush-whacked.

Looking at https://specialtyrepairscustommods.com/ mods covers for my B2650.

It's going to be less money and problems to invest in good undercairraige protection now than being broken and stuck in the bush and waiting for very pricey parts.

I'm SE of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Any suggestions on a way to get this done? Looking for possible local fab shops worth checking out.


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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
It was starting to look like spring over the weekend but then it snowed a couple of inches this morning so the MX got to earn its keep. It's getting close to the end of the second winter running the used SB1574 and I couldn't be happier with this model. It's been absolutely trouble free for two winters with only one shear bolt replacement early in the season and none last year that I can remember. It's definitely been used a lot more this year. I had to fix an issue when I first bought it due to neglect but it was an easy fix.



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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
When blowing snow this morning the lever that controls chute rotation was acting up and getting stuck and I thought "here we go again with rear remote valves". After a quick inspection I realized that the cheap Tygon tubing that Kubota uses to prevent the levers from banging against the steel gates/guides had slid up the lever, and the damaged end shown below was preventing the lever from being moved rearward.

I slid the tubing off the lever, flipped it over, slid it back down onto the lever and all was good. There really doesn't need to be that much tubing on the lever to achieve the desired goal so maybe I'll cut it down and use clear silicone to stick it back on, with "stick" being the operative word.

Talking of those cheap lever handles, I've thought about cutting them down a bit, welding a threaded stud on the end and adding nice round aluminum balls as knobs rather than the cheap rubber pieces that keep pulling off. I used to do this thing with rifle bolt handles all the time, Remingtons in particular. I'd cut the factory bolt "knob" off, shape the handle, cut threads and put on a nice afterrmarket bolt knob.

