As wood goes, Ash isn't real heavy or dense. Not to mention, it's SUPER easy to split. Seems sometimes all you have to do is say something mean to it. If that were green hickory or white oak, I'm not sure the LA525 would have lifted three logs that size. Those are about 250 pounds each, just guessing, if not a little lighter. Hickory would have been at least double that weight. This late in winter, most of the sap would be down in the roots on ash. You probably still had a little weight margin on that loader, depending on the weight of the grapple, but diameter got ya. That's definitely a mouthful. It is satisfying to move that much weight/material with a relatively small tractor in a single trip. I could get two of those with my little grapple, but it won't open wide enough for all 3. I don't need (nor want) to move that much firewood, so mine serves its purpose. What is that, the EA Wicked?