What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
In the north country there is a term for spring thaw, obviously "Mud Time" and just a little south it is called Palouse juice. In my youth we went and got stuck for the fun of it. You have to love it Wolfman. and when certain friends visit "hang on Nellie we are headed for the rhubarb"!
okay not orange but does this count?
Now is it just me or was Wolfman really trying to "cultivate" or play in the mud and try to get stuck for the fun of it?

Not judging by any means!


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
What was Kubota thinking when they designed mine? The exhaust which faces forward would be completely buried if I got mine in mud that deep :( no fun for me!

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Now is it just me or was Wolfman really trying to "cultivate" or play in the mud and try to get stuck for the fun of it?

Not judging by any means!
Honestly was trying to break threw the frozen layer 2 feet down to get it to drain!
But yes it was fun to see what the old girl could do! :D
It was a fruitless effort, stayed like that for 2 more weeks.

My driveway has been known to eat trucks for the fun of it.
We have moved it, so we'll see how this spring goes. :rolleyes:


Lifetime Member

L1500, 42" bh, box blade, G6200HST, Mahindra 450 with BH, FEL, etc.
What was Kubota thinking when they designed mine? The exhaust which faces forward would be completely buried if I got mine in mud that deep :( no fun for me!<br/>
That muffler should be able to be turned upward, also check your manual


Well-known member
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Hi profnohair, I have heard about that for other tractors, nothing in my manual that I can find. Exhaust pipe is in an odd place from my perspective, reason I know is I keep a cap of aluminum foil over the opening when not in use in case an enterprising squirrell decides to store walnuts in it. Squirells stash nuts between haybales and all kinds of obscure spots. Dealer warned me that had happened to another customer.


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
Honestly was trying to break threw the frozen layer 2 feet down to get it to drain!
But yes it was fun to see what the old girl could do! :D
It was a fruitless effort, stayed like that for 2 more weeks.

My driveway has been known to eat trucks for the fun of it.
We have moved it, so we'll see how this spring goes. :rolleyes:
That's your driveway? Lol


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
Hi profnohair, I have heard about that for other tractors, nothing in my manual that I can find. Exhaust pipe is in an odd place from my perspective, reason I know is I keep a cap of aluminum foil over the opening when not in use in case an enterprising squirrell decides to store walnuts in it. Squirells stash nuts between haybales and all kinds of obscure spots. Dealer warned me that had happened to another customer.
Steel wool in the exhaust kepts the rodents out and doesn't blow the exhaust apart when you forget to take it off!

None of your business how I know that!


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B6100D; B219; Piranha bar; Hodge stabilizers; Filled Ag rears; R322T w/48" deck
Dec 21, 2014
Sugar Hill -- next door to Buford, GA
Tardy, but part of my "charm":
1. Took delivery
a) Heard engine when schoolbuses shouldn't be in neighborhood;
b) Watched as "Vick" manhandled steel ramp to rear of trailer;
c) asked if I could give a hand manhandling second ramp;
d) watched as "Vick" backed a sparkling B6100D off the trailer;
e) listened (without digesting) features and techniques;
f) eagerly climbed on the puppy and eased it over the curb onto my lawn;
g) paid "Vick", waved goodbye, then moved the puppy around behind the house and parked it;
h) brought my Labs out and stood drooling, watching the machine sit in its magnificance;
i) relented to the psychic magnetism of the B6100 or my Labs and started down the hill to load some cut loge into the FEL;
j) hit a soft spot with the right-front wheel (downhill wheel) and the machine went to one knee;
h) hit the clutch and reached for 'R' when it began to tip over;
i) instinctively flipped it into 'N' and started to bail;
j) caught myself JUST BEFORE bailing on the DOWNHILL SIDE;
k) leaned to the left (uphill), thinking to jump that way and felt the machine settle back;
l) shut it down, did a walk-around and evaluation, then tried to back it out of the mire;
m) Worked on backing it out over some debris I had not fully cleared from my path;
n) finally got the monster out of the mire and debris and back up to an appropriate parking spot;
o) digested (as well and thouroughly as possible) all the lessons I had been taught.
p) mentally hug that sweet, cold, hunk of iron, and "Thanks God" to have such a great machine.

2. Ordered a Piranha blade
3. Ordered a 3-pt Quick Hitch
4a Scoured the forum for hydraulic top links (top link missing and foolishly overlooked on accepting delivery)
4b Ordered a top link
5. Waited for weather to warm up and dry out to clear debris and shuffle firewood, then to begin filling "the mire".... tomorrow or the day after we should be able to rock and roll!


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L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
Nov 16, 2012
Southern OH
Tardy, but part of my "charm":
1. Took delivery...
h) hit the clutch and reached for 'R' when it began to tip over;
i) instinctively flipped it into 'N' and started to bail;
j) caught myself JUST BEFORE bailing on the DOWNHILL SIDE;
k) leaned to the left (uphill), thinking to jump that way and felt the machine settle back;...
Did you order her with a ROP? If not; that tippy jaunt was her telling you to do get that done ASAP. she probably feels naked w/out it.


Well-known member
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Steel wool in the exhaust kepts the rodents out and doesn't blow the exhaust apart when you forget to take it off!

None of your business how I know that!
Thanks Corney, I do keep forgetting! Good idea.


New member
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B6100D; B219; Piranha bar; Hodge stabilizers; Filled Ag rears; R322T w/48" deck
Dec 21, 2014
Sugar Hill -- next door to Buford, GA
Did you order her with a ROP? If not; that tippy jaunt was her telling you to do get that done ASAP. she probably feels naked w/out it.
It's a '78 so came with a ROPS - 'Thanks God'! I would have rejected that option in favor of secondary hydraulics or some such foolishness. I'm pretty sure I won't tip her over, but since I didn't appreciate how steep my backyard actually is, I won't swear that we won't tip over. Nevertheless, I don't plan to buy a winch just yet.

But you make an excellent point: she gave me a lot of warning, and reluctantly rolled over. Had it been a Ford or IH, I think you folks would have been sending 'Get Well' cards.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
It's a '78 so came with a ROPS - 'Thanks God'! I would have rejected that option in favor of secondary hydraulics or some such foolishness. I'm pretty sure I won't tip her over, but since I didn't appreciate how steep my backyard actually is, I won't swear that we won't tip over. Nevertheless, I don't plan to buy a winch just yet.

But you make an excellent point: she gave me a lot of warning, and reluctantly rolled over. Had it been a Ford or IH, I think you folks would have been sending 'Get Well' cards.
Keep your hand on FEL down lever, 99% of the time it will stop a roll instantly!


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Total Demo of back yard...

The previous owners put in a "rock garden" with cacti and rocks of every type. A bit "harsh" for us so we are tearing it out.

First, I have to shovel in and relocate to the barn about 30 tons of surface rock. Every rock moved has to be raked into a pile and then shoveled into the FEL for transport to the new location. I am about 20 tons into the rock and about 5 tons into moving all the boulders for re-use later. Four days into it so far. No way could I do this without at tractor...



Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Yeah... I had a reel-type mower at my first place in AZ for the tiff lawn. Great for the kids to play on but that was years ago. No need now.

The back yard was just too crammed with boulders and semi-dead cacti. The boulders were either nice looking granite or black lava boulders. They didn't really go together. The entire backyard was filled with four large "cactus islands" and that was all there was back there with flagstone step stones meandering through the yard between the islands. Complete waste of a back yard as far as we are concerned.

We are just getting our well up and running. With a well, we plan to put a very small pool in the back yard. Next that will be a gazebo with wrought iron frame where two southern swings hang. The views are pretty nice from my back yard and the gazebo will be slightly elevated.

Beyond that, we'll plant five citrus trees and a few more desert plants and add a small garden area for spring gardens. A whole new hardscape integrating the pool and gazebo hardscape into the patio will finish it off. Run some drip irrigation and landscape lighting and we should be ready to re-fill the back with crushed granite. Out here they crush granite in various sizes and 1/2" minus means the rock is no larger than 1/2" with 60% or so much smaller. It rakes nicely, doesn't show footprints, and the dogs can chase each other and not tear it up.

The first pic was my wife in the windy morning moving boulders for me...

The Second pic is the very start of this heinous remodel. I busted up 22,000 lbs of tile and used the tractor to get it into the dumpster. My wife actually did the dumping for me.

The last pic is the back yard when we bought this dump. This was mid-summer and the place was not really "friendly" back there. Just a lot of stepping stones going around in circles....


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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
when we bought this dump.
While I don't know Ray or his particular home, you should know that real estate prices in this area usually rival the yearly income of most small countries. The area is every bit as beautiful as it looks, better weather than us lowlanders have, & lots of critters. Hell, they even get snow from time to time!
I would love to have such a "dump" to live in.:D