Tardy, but part of my "charm":
1. Took delivery
a) Heard engine when schoolbuses shouldn't be in neighborhood;
b) Watched as "Vick" manhandled steel ramp to rear of trailer;
c) asked if I could give a hand manhandling second ramp;
d) watched as "Vick" backed a sparkling B6100D off the trailer;
e) listened (without digesting) features and techniques;
f) eagerly climbed on the puppy and eased it over the curb onto my lawn;
g) paid "Vick", waved goodbye, then moved the puppy around behind the house and parked it;
h) brought my Labs out and stood drooling, watching the machine sit in its magnificance;
i) relented to the psychic magnetism of the B6100 or my Labs and started down the hill to load some cut loge into the FEL;
j) hit a soft spot with the right-front wheel (downhill wheel) and the machine went to one knee;
h) hit the clutch and reached for 'R' when it began to tip over;
i) instinctively flipped it into 'N' and started to bail;
j) caught myself JUST BEFORE bailing on the DOWNHILL SIDE;
k) leaned to the left (uphill), thinking to jump that way and felt the machine settle back;
l) shut it down, did a walk-around and evaluation, then tried to back it out of the mire;
m) Worked on backing it out over some debris I had not fully cleared from my path;
n) finally got the monster out of the mire and debris and back up to an appropriate parking spot;
o) digested (as well and thouroughly as possible) all the lessons I had been taught.
p) mentally hug that sweet, cold, hunk of iron, and "Thanks God" to have such a great machine.
2. Ordered a Piranha blade
3. Ordered a 3-pt Quick Hitch
4a Scoured the forum for hydraulic top links (top link missing and foolishly overlooked on accepting delivery)
4b Ordered a top link
5. Waited for weather to warm up and dry out to clear debris and shuffle firewood, then to begin filling "the mire".... tomorrow or the day after we should be able to rock and roll!