Uh, I needed a grapple
We had this large tree that came down years ago in an ice storm. The significant root ball was right next to the driveway. The wife has been after me to get rid of it.
So yesterday I dug out he root ball with the fel (thank you toothbar) and pushed it and the whole tree back about 5'. Thought that was then end of the story. Not so. . .
Wife wants the root ball gone - its still too visible when coming down the driveway.
The dog is standing where it was.
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So today I cut the trunk and used the grapple to drop it over the other side of the driveway, down into the woods.
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I have to give the grapple all the credit. I had thought about flipping it o its side and grabbing the trunk but decided the uneven weigh distribution was not a good thing. Only two tines held this baby.