What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Last year I bought two remote kits for both dump trailers so that I can raise/lower the bed without the need to run the controllers and cables from the pump to the cab of the truck or tractor. I finally got around to installing them on the trailers and they're a game changer for sure.

I used the tractor this morning to move the 16' dump trailer, dump the gravel, wash it out and get it ready for a friend to use for a few days. I also discovered that the 7-pin plug on my trailers won't work with the 7-pin outlet on the tractor. Maybe Kubota has an adapter?

I bought the 10' single axle dump trailer to run behind the tractor and make trips to the dump, but it's much easier moving the trailers around using the tractor. I won't hook up the 16' dump for any reason other than to move it a few feet since it's big and heavy.






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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
that trailer set up is awesome! :love:

@mcmxi like this, 7 way agricultural to vehicle adapter

The 10' single axle dump trailer behind the MX is a really nice set up but the big 16' is too much trailer, but the remotes are seriously cool. So much better than messing with the handheld controller and cable. If only I could open and close the tailgate without getting out of the truck. That would make trips to the landfill really easy. :LOL:

Thanks for the link. I'll probably remove the Kubota installed receptacle and replace it with the standard 7-pin receptacle. The Kubota one is nice though being made from pot metal. One of the possible issues is that the brakes on the trailer will lock up unless I add a brake controller in the cab of the tractor. I have a spare controller so could do that.


Well-known member

LX2610, Virnig 60" Grapple, WoodMaxx TM-86H, Woods 60" BB/72”RB
Feb 12, 2022
Grafton, Ohio
Just missed out on an 8” Woodmaxx chipper deal. Only 2 hours away too. :mad:


Active member

B2601, LA435, BH70, LP SGC0554 Grapple, LP RB1672 Rear Blade, King Kutter 60" BB
Sep 23, 2021
St. Clair, MO.
Felled some trees, cut some wood, made a brush pile, and played on the little B. Got a sunburn!
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Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Suggest you put the remote on a neck lanyard (with breakaway feature) so you will have it with you when are off the tractor and won’t lose it if dropped
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B2650HSDC ,bucket, Forks, Front Snow blower, MMM, Tiller, Land Rake
Mar 11, 2016
Dundurn, Saskatchewan, Canada
I welded a hitch on the front plate of my new l3901 so I can push hay wagons into the hay shed (double hinged hay wagons are evil when backing them up). Or whatever needs a hitch. I guess I could fab a quik tatch grille guard in it too. Hope it holds
I welded a hitch on the front plate of my new l3901 so I can push hay wagons into the hay shed (double hinged hay wagons are evil when backing them up). Or whatever needs a hitch. I guess I could fab a quik tatch grille guard in it too. Hope it holds
like this idea. I am going to get one made for my B2650HSDC 👍



B2650HSDC ,bucket, Forks, Front Snow blower, MMM, Tiller, Land Rake
Mar 11, 2016
Dundurn, Saskatchewan, Canada
Last year I bought two remote kits for both dump trailers so that I can raise/lower the bed without the need to run the controllers and cables from the pump to the cab of the truck or tractor. I finally got around to installing them on the trailers and they're a game changer for sure.

I used the tractor this morning to move the 16' dump trailer, dump the gravel, wash it out and get it ready for a friend to use for a few days. I also discovered that the 7-pin plug on my trailers won't work with the 7-pin outlet on the tractor. Maybe Kubota has an adapter?

I bought the 10' single axle dump trailer to run behind the tractor and make trips to the dump, but it's much easier moving the trailers around using the tractor. I won't hook up the 16' dump for any reason other than to move it a few feet since it's big and heavy.

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View attachment 77322
Awesome trailer set up.



B2650HSDC ,bucket, Forks, Front Snow blower, MMM, Tiller, Land Rake
Mar 11, 2016
Dundurn, Saskatchewan, Canada
Trying to hook up loader and arms after removing front snowblower. Having hard time connecting hoses. Looking for system I saw that you connect all and use a handle to pull in and attach. I have problems with hands so not easy to maneuver in the small area connections located. Maybe I will make some extensions for the fittings to come out further from behind arms. Another project on the board.😕

My brain kicked in as never had this issue before. Then I remember of course that the loader itself can also have pressure on the fittings and not release. Cracked a couple of fittings to release pressure. Went on like a dream. that is why it is best to eave and come back before something is broken. Just updating all.
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M 6040
Oct 26, 2010
Cavendish Vermont
10* f this morning, so I snuck the tractor out of the shed while the muddy drive was frozen.
Now I can take off the wheel chains and then use the loader to pull the 400 pound concrete pier traction "compound" from the bed of my pickup.
First cold start in weeks, so I plugged it in last night to ease her back into work mode:)

Deleted member 47704

I bought a rifle scabbard for the tractor. Have to figure out how to mount it.
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Active member

B7100HST, 1630, 4' Tiller, 4' Brush Hog; Mahindra 5005/Loader, Woods Cadet 84,
Apr 15, 2019
The last few days I've updated the M4050:
- installed led headlights
- Buzzed out the rear wiring harness, rewired the flasher switch and installed new led marker lights
- cleaned up the wiring, soldered all the joints with shrink tubing
- Installed 2 led worklights and a switch on the rear of the tractor
- Adjusted the PTO clutch which was grinding
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B2650, LA534, BH77, TPD35, RCF2060, BB1566, RGA1258
Sep 24, 2009
Yelm, WA
20220328_101320[1].jpg 20220328_110430[1].jpg 20220329_122658[1].jpg signal-2022-03-28-15-01-28-055[1].jpg

Just some pic's of a job I'm doing.....brush hoggin to start, then clearing out a spot to move the shed into.
Adding top soil and clearing out underbrush in the front.

After all that is done, I start thinning out the woods and removing all the dead/downfall stuff on the acreage 20220328_101320[1].jpg 20220328_110430[1].jpg 20220329_122658[1].jpg signal-2022-03-28-15-01-28-055[1].jpg signal-2022-03-29-15-14-47-781[1].jpg behind the owners house.
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Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia
F3680 in for service. Both oil plugs are stripped. 12mm no more, they are now 1/2x20.

And yes, the rattle gun was used to install.
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
I’ve been thinking of installing an antique fire-engine siren on my tractor…. (the rising/falling kind that actually spins a rotor within a cage…not the modern electronic types)…. but can’t decide if I’d rather have it under the hood of the pickup truck ever since some self-important-road-warrior in a land-change-decision suddenly jammed himself between me and the car I was following by about 12-feet in traffic.

I could see him tailgate the guy in the right lane…and saw him check his side-mirror to decide whether or not he could suddenly shift lanes and fit between my P/U and the car ahead…

I had just enough time to realize what he was up-to for me to let up on the gas… (we were all traveling in rush-hour at 60 mph) … to allow paper-thin margin which barely prevented a multi-vehicle-wreck.

I think if I’d had the ability to hit a siren—button at the moment he glanced at his side-mirror…it would have at least startled him sufficiently for me to have had the satisfaction of giving him a one-fingered-Salute! :mad:


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Well-known member

Jul 19, 2020
I’ve been thinking of installing an antique fire-engine siren on my tractor…. (the rising/falling kind that actually spins a rotor within a cage…not the modern electronic types)…. but can’t decide if I’d rather have it under the hood of the pickup
My dad had one of those. It was LOUD. The modern electronic versions don't even come close.

Put it on your pickup - it might save your life.

Or get you a ticket! :D

I moved some firewood around today. Found out a carry-all from Tractor Supply lets my little BX-25 lift and carry firewood quite nicely.

I got a bunch of used IBC totes for $20 a piece. Cut the bottle diagonally, and it makes a nice 'roof' for the tote full of firewood. The 3PH has enough grunt to lift the full tote. Makes heating with wood a lot less work! No more splitting onto the ground, then picking it up to haul to where it gets stacked, then loading it into the bucket to take to the house, and unloading it to stack by the door. I just split right into the tote, and park it in a good sunny spot until its needed. Then it gets hauled to a spot next to the door. Once the tote is empty, I haul it back to the splitting area, where it waits to get filled again.

Much less handling!

Yesterday I broke out the angle grinder and tapered the ends of the carry all a bit. Makes it much easier to get the arms into a pallet or tote. I just cut the bottom at an angle, then went to the flap grinder and rounded off all the edges. Works much better.

Modified arm end.jpg
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