Sorry to hear about your pets passing its never easy to see anything pass that you've become attached tooWell normally I am always excited about getting some seat time. However today was different.
Had to use the BH to dig a grave for one of our petsMy son who we adopted in April became very attached to his cat.
Sorry to hear that! It always happen at the worse possible time and most inconvenient place.Peeled the radiator off the tractor because it sprung a leak and was pucking juice all over the place. Took it to a repair shop and learned its FUBAR, which is really killing me because it started dumping anitifreeze all over the ground right in the middle of me aerating a customers lawn.
Needless to say a new one is on order from the dealer and will be here Mondayish to the tune of $520 bucks and alot of hair pulling later...
Nice.I like the bulb change myself, it's better than hanging off the front of a bucket. Is that a cage from a tote?
I built my own basket the way I wanted it to be and the size I wanted but never gave thought to the weight. I don't see it ever breaking but it's all my L3000 will handle and it's more than it will take at times.
It is. Thank You. My life has changed for the better. What we thought was a home is now a HOMESorry to hear about your pets passing its never easy to see anything pass that you've become attached too
Congratulations on your adoption. I bet things are lively around the house now.
Managed to high tail it out of the back yard and stuck it back on the trailer before it got real bad. Thankfully enough the customer is understanding and will let me finish the job as soon as I fix the tractor.Sorry to hear that! It always happen at the worse possible time and most inconvenient place.
Very true......Loosing a dog or a cat or even a horse, is sometimes harder than loosing a member of your family , they become like your kids, only they listen better
Congrats on breaking it loose! But you may have to wait for some heavy rains to float that big o'l stump out of it's hole.If you did something to or on you're tractor today and you don't want to start a new thread then post it here
Larrrrgee sycamore stump, cut the dead tree down about 6 years ago, ugly stump in the middle of my backyard.
So I took the BX down there and found out how hard it really is to remove the bon of a sitch!
When I bought the BX, this was the first thing a tried to tackle, stump just laughed at me! I dug around and around. Not being very good with the operation of the BH, I sorta rested a while. I came back to it time again, just to dig around and around. Hitting the roots became more and fun!
Yesterday and 30+ hours under my belt , the BH is a like a walk in the park!
Got enough to break it getting that stump out of the hole is another thing!!!
It is amazing what this machine will do if given enough time and patience![]()