I finally got approval to put concrete out the door of my workshop.
To get the 4-5 inches of material moved out of the way for the concrete, I used my box scraper and dragged what was mostly DG out of the way and up my driveway. I actually did such a good job scraping it down, I had to push a little back in yesterday when the crew showed up with the laser level. Finished, it's 1700 sq feet of concrete and having a crew do that all by hand would have taken a couple days and cost a bundle. With a scraper on the Orange Machine, it only took me an hour or two, total.
Oh, and of course the concrete truck today, a half-yard short of the full 11 yard capacity, sheared three of four bolts on the fan belt tensioner bracket a half mile from my house. The load sat engine off, drum stopped for 20 minutes. He managed to limp in and we used a garden hose on the radiator as he repositioned the chute for the dump. I came close to getting hit by a cement truck a dozen or more times today. But it was all for a good cause. I'll have that VOLVO logo in my nightmares for a week.

Good thing it was 50 degrees this morning or this might have turned out kinda nasty for the cement company.
Tomorrow we finish the pour.
The cement truck managed to get cleaned out and limp to the curb where they ended up towing it off.
My tractor earned the week off and is in the barn until the concrete cures.