What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

Siesta Sundance

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L305DT, MX 5200, SVL 75-2, (Sold M7060))
Oct 23, 2022
Hey thanks. I considered creating a build thread in projects, but was leaning against it because it’s gonna take me so darn long and I figured it would be too slow and boring a thread. The frame was cut in September 2022 and then money got tight so the project has been floundering.

But, maybe I should anyway. Thanks for the encouragement!
Slow project, no problem! That's just how the cookie crumbles.

I like projects like this cause, we too want to build a guest house/air bnb cabin. I'm always looking at ideas and techniques that others use.

Keep at it brother!!
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Hey thanks. I considered creating a build thread in projects, but was leaning against it because it’s gonna take me so darn long and I figured it would be too slow and boring a thread. The frame was cut in September 2022 and then money got tight so the project has been floundering.

But, maybe I should anyway. Thanks for the encouragement!
Is any DIY structure build EVER finished? Make the thread, and link it in here. I'd like to watch too. I built my own shed from the ground up. I did everything except pour and finish the concrete, but I did do the forms for that, too. I went with a 24x35 (36 roof ridge), and found out real quick, it ain't big enough. Stuff one tractor in it, and you're outta room in no time.

Do the thread. You'll get plenty 'expert' advice on it. Kidding of course, but you may actually get some really good ideas about how to solve some problems that you run into. Lotsa folks that have done lotsa things in here.
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L2800, BH76A, FEL,box scraper
Nov 17, 2009
Lake Almanor, Ca
With fall in full swing and all the leaves off the trees and bushes. We spent the last week mapping the best route through our property to make a trail and access the back half. (beaver pond split our 40 acres right down the middle.) We do not have access to our back 20 during the summer and we have a nice neighbor that lets us access it once and awhile. But we'd like our own path back there.

Cut trees down yesterday and today dug up the stumps and started clearing a path towards the pond. also dug up the side of the hill pushing dirt down towards the pond.
‘I always love you folks’ projects in free states. The permitting for just that little project would take years, cost 10s of thousands of dollars and mitigation for loss of habitat and incursion into the riparian setback area. More power to you…and looks like a fun project.
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Wrapped it up on Day 3. Nothing noteworthy other than the last large stump. It was a bruiser.

Day 3 stump1.JPG

Day 3 stump2.JPG
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
‘I always love you folks’ projects in free states. The permitting for just that little project would take years, cost 10s of thousands of dollars and mitigation for loss of habitat and incursion into the riparian setback area. More power to you…and looks like a fun project.
Beavers are considered pests/vermin in some areas. At one time, they had no bag limit and no scheduled season for hunting in Alabama. Not sure if that's still the case now. This was because of the amount of timber they destroy in lower lying areas, particularly the river deltas. A fur dealer used to work with the FFA/4H in all the local rural high schools and would buy pelts. This put a little money in boys' pockets and kept the beaver population in check too. A good clean headshot could get up to $40/pelt. That was pretty serious pocket money for a teenager in the early 70's and fairly easy to get.

Times have changed though. There are a lot of things I did as a kid that were considered normal and wholesome country life that would likely get me thrown in jail these days. Probably because a lawyer or politician wasn't making money off it.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Wrapped it up on Day 3. Nothing noteworthy other than the last large stump. It was a bruiser.

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Dat's a big ol' stump! I dug one out like that by hand in my mid 40's. Me and an F-150 got 'er dun!


I won't lie, though. A small tornado had blown it over May 1, 2005. I just finished the job. It took me nearly 6 months to clean up all the trees that little tornado put down, but it was all hand tools and pure labor back then. Wow, I just realized that photo is 19 years old last week. The pile of chips in the background was all done by hand with a little 3 inch Murray chipper/shredder (which I still have). Now, a nice shed, and an LX2610SU and a Woodland Mills WC-68 sit in that spot back there. I could probably clean up the same mess in a couple weekends with the equipment I have now.
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LX2610hsd/535FEL/BH77/PFL1242/BB1260 -- Toro Zero Turn
Oct 19, 2023
Alberta Canada
Beavers are considered pests/vermin in some areas. At one time, they had no bag limit and no scheduled season for hunting in Alabama. Not sure if that's still the case now. This was because of the amount of timber they destroy in lower lying areas, particularly the river deltas. A fur dealer used to work with the FFA/4H in all the local rural high schools and would buy pelts. This put a little money in boys' pockets and kept the beaver population in check too. A good clean headshot could get up to $40/pelt. That was pretty serious pocket money for a teenager in the early 70's and fairly easy to get.

Times have changed though. There are a lot of things I did as a kid that were considered normal and wholesome country life that would likely get me thrown in jail these days. Probably because a lawyer or politician wasn't making money off it.
Yea things have changed for sure over the years. But I am luckly where I am as we can still shoot/trap beavers on private land, Destroy dams without permits (except with any explosive that can only be done by the local county for a fee and they do it) on private land. the only thing that is illegal is destroy beaver houses.

In rare cases your local county here can even demand you remove dams that are impeding water flow to sensitive areas.


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L2501(sold) - BX25D
Apr 23, 2024
Towed around a 48" plugger for hours yesterday before seeding the lawn. Weather got a bit chilly, so I'd plug an area, get cold, then seed the area, get hot, and repeat. Gotta say, the BX tows that plugger up and down hills much better than the poor Husqvarna did, haha. Never needed 4wd, though I used the locker a decent bit. Hopefully I'll get some grass out of it. We got 1/4" rain the night before, so the ground plugged great, but it's been DRY for weeks, with no rain in sight on the forecast. Not worried yet since it's too dry for the seed to germinate, so it'll just hang out until we get rain.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Yea things have changed for sure over the years. But I am luckly where I am as we can still shoot/trap beavers on private land, Destroy dams without permits (except with any explosive that can only be done by the local county for a fee and they do it) on private land. the only thing that is illegal is destroy beaver houses.

In rare cases your local county here can even demand you remove dams that are impeding water flow to sensitive areas.
When I was a kid, our local county extension agent would advise on the mix of diesel and ammonium nitrate fertilizer based on how high you wanted a stump to fly and how big the stump was. Not so much anymore and they will likely just give your name to the ATF and FBI. I can remember loading 30 bags of ammonium nitrate AND a couple cans of gasoline on the back of a '64 F-100 pickup at the local country store no questions asked. I wouldn't think about trying it now. We used ammo-nite for the final dressing on the corn as well as the hay field so having that much fertilizer on a trip was fairly common. Gonna need the tractor to spread it, so why not get the fuel for that at the same time? Used to be a bit more trust in our society back then, and apparently a little more common sense.

Just looked it up, and there's still no closed season, no bag limit, just daylight only on Beaver, Nutria, and Groundhog. Guess some things haven't changed. They're still considered pests. Don't see many groundhog in the southern part of the state, but PLENTY of beaver and nutria. Pretty sure there was even a bounty on beaver back in the day. Here, if a beaver dams a stream on your property that winds up flooding part of adjacent property, you can be held liable for damages. Sorta sends the message home about controlling the little buggers.
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L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
Added Some angle iron so I could mount a toolbox to the rear to replace that little pencil box from Kubota. Built a mount for my little Stihl 200T to sit on the fender. Clamped it thru cup holder hole so I didn’t have to drill the fender.
View attachment 140669 View attachment 140670
I like the place you found for your saw. I don't recall seeing one positioned like that before. Looks like the perfect spot on that tractor!!

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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
Hey thanks. I considered creating a build thread in projects, but was leaning against it because it’s gonna take me so darn long and I figured it would be too slow and boring a thread. The frame was cut in September 2022 and then money got tight so the project has been floundering.

But, maybe I should anyway. Thanks for the encouragement!
Probably won't take you any longer than my third function project. :)
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
For years, I've thought I would "improve" my homebrew winter worklights on the BX2360.

The ROPS on a BX2360 is short….less than 6 feet, so there’s room on top that give good illumination and can still clear the overhead door easily.

I used the spare 10A Work Light circuit wiring that was taped up near the top link of the tractor when bought new.


Had a single Halogen light mounted differently, but it was a big draw on the tractor.

I got 4 LED's from TSC on an After Christmas Sale for $25 (I think they were 50% off).

Had 2-6" angle brackets.

Got a plastic electrical conduit fitting and used some other plumbing fitting. Maybe $5.

10A switch came from NAPA for $10.

Wire was expensive, as I got a couple spools. Maybe $40.


All in, maybe $80 or so, and I have wire to spare.

After looking at them on the tractor seat, decided they work just fine......someday maybe I’ll change the light fixtures for something “better….” Otherwise I’ll be satisfied.😉


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M-108, M6-111, Lx3520, Rtv-520 and LandPride implements
Jan 14, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Today I used big Kubota and little Kubota. Cleaned out all the wood sheds and moved a big pile of fire wood. Of course Riggs had to help. It’s funny how it used to be kids that wanted to ride with you now it’s the dog. Except he is on the wrong seat.


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Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia
Not on it, but for it.
Got this rotary pump back working on a 50gal transfer tank. Carbon vanes were stuck almost solid. Once out a quick few swipes with a file on the rotor had them sliding in and out easily. Few minutes on the wire wheel and rotor was mostly rust/carbon/gunk free. Brass brush took care of the aluminum housing. No after pics, but it works now!
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Doing some more work on this tank. Wanted a drain in it, it has set a while and has some crud in the bottom. Figured while I had the welder fired up, I’d do a simple fuel level sight gauge. Couple of bungs, elbows and tube and she’s done.


Was originally thinking same side as drain, but changed to the other side for no real reason.

Finished up. Now to leak test!

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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Powder coat on lift cylinder for snow blower cracked and was peeling off. Been 11 years, so not an immediate failure of the finish.

Like many guys here will say, sometimes powder coat is not a good finish.

Nothing fancy, just ground off powder coat with wire wheel, primed and painted. Other parts of the hitch are starting to peel as well. Just wanted to get some of the worst parts for now.

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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
Pulled a bit of windfallen wood up to the wood lot today to get started on firewood for next year.

This small hickory fell several months ago. Pretty dry now but still solid aside from the little bit of rot toward the bottom that predated its fall. It was on a downhill slope just off the edge of the sewer line.
Cut a pair of 14’ logs off the bottom end and winched them out with the Farmi. One of the things I like about the winch is after pulling these logs out, there’s very little damage to the surrounding area.

Hitched them both up and hauled them home. Whole thing took a total of about an hour, mostly because I wasn’t in a hurry and it was a pretty good distance from home. Have a bit of maple to get up before firing up the wood splitter, but that’s for another day.
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Aug 26, 2022
Clearing a 30x20yd patch of property in between mine and my neighbor's house to install a small pole building. A few trees were felled, and saved $2,000 by having them leave all the debris in place. Working on getting the pile broken up and moved. Lots of big trunk sections under that pile. Tons of thick Ivy was covering those trees which is making it a challenge, but getting it done!



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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Today I used big Kubota and little Kubota. Cleaned out all the wood sheds and moved a big pile of fire wood. Of course Riggs had to help. It’s funny how it used to be kids that wanted to ride with you now it’s the dog. Except he is on the wrong seat.
No, he’s in the right seat. Just trying tonfigur out how to turn the key. If you get a push button start, he’s gone.
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