Cheers Huey. It's been an enjoyable journey. Delighted to finally be able to use it. It's performed well this summer. I did have a steering box issue which I did a temporary fix on. A new rod isnt too expensive..
I might splash out and do a proper job on it over the winter.
I also noticed a leak coming from the PTO shaft seal. This seal doesn't seem to be on the drawing list for some reason.
It's a fairly rough repair to get me back going but it worked. Had to move fast welding for fear I'd warp the shaft. It's working away but I've not much confidence in it holding so I'll pick up a new shaft soon.
Thanks for that Wolfman. I'll get one ordered today.
I was looking at that yesterday but it had me thrown ,as I thought it was an inner oil seal rather than the cover oil seal.
Repaired the my PTO seal only for the repair job on the steering box to give up again. So I bought a repair kit on Amazon. I had pressed a bearing in there ages back thinking it would be staying there. . Tricky to get out . Tried heat..tried pullers but couldn't get a purchase. In the end I turned down a 16mm nut to the shape of the old bearing and welded that to the shell. I then used a tap to press out the shell. Repair then was straight forward.
I Tested it then in the field. It worked perfect . Using it with a 5ft rotavator . It's too big for this little tractor but it gets a good work out trying.