Generally on those, when I see that complaint (click-click-click-start), I am looking at the starter trigger wire--the smaller wire on the starter. You'll want to check it for voltage, with it still connected. Ideally you want to see battery voltage there when you turn the key to start. If it's lower than battery voltage and I suspect it is, probably a switch issue in one of the other safety switches. Also possibility that maybe there's an issue with the key switch. In the past, as a quick/cheap fix I've installed a #87 relay in the starter trigger, which boosts the voltage back up to battery voltage. This works well. You can make the connections yourself, or run to the JD dealer and pick up part number AM107421 (relay kit). The kit bolts right
Generally on those, when I see that complaint (click-click-click-start), I am looking at the starter trigger wire--the smaller wire on the starter. You'll want to check it for voltage, with it still connected. Ideally you want to see battery voltage there when you turn the key to start. If it's lower than battery voltage and I suspect it is, probably a switch issue in one of the other safety switches. Also possibility that maybe there's an issue with the key switch. In the past, as a quick/cheap fix I've installed a #87 relay in the starter trigger, which boosts the voltage back up to battery voltage. This works well. You can make the connections yourself, or run to the JD dealer and pick up part number AM107421 (relay kit). The kit bolts right on.
Hi all, not logged in for some time and noticed no reply to comments. Apologies and my appreciation for help rendered.