I don't understand the mentality of many young adults and teens in current generations. My brother and I both delivered newspapers, phone books, mowed lawns, trimmed bushed, boxed and moved folks, etc. We were go getters, trying to make some cash for a new BB gun, bike, whatever. When I was old enough to get a real job, I had two. I had a full time career, and had my own shop doing side work, for extra cash to get ahead, sent my kids to the best schools, had family vacations, took my kids everywhere. Yes, I was strict, but we got along great, and enjoyed being a family together.
My point being, I have spoken with so many friends to see if their kids ( usually mid teens) to attempt to HIRE some help, bucking logs, stacking firewood, clearing brush, burning slash piles. I get a hardy laugh from most parents! What a shame! Do kids have it so easy they just have no desire to make money? I offer good wages, it seems sitting on your ass playing video games is more important than life.
What happened to riding your bike down to the creek to fish? Making some cash to get a new baseball mitt, or ??? Something. Raises GTA 5 or whatever the new video game of the week is. OK, I'm off my rant, what's it like in other parts of the country???