Wow...been a while since I updated this thread...
After flip-flopping around for weeks trying to get the power company to work with me, I finally decided on a plan for running power to the building. One major hang-up was getting someone to set a pole, but I finally managed that:
Took about half an hour with the right toys. I may have the only property in coastal Maine where you can drive a post hole digger out of sight without hitting ledge. The "inspector" blessed the plan and scheduled the hookup. Hoping that will happen by the end of this week.
Hung the last of the drywall, got the ceiling trim mostly done, built a bench along the South and West walls.
I may live to regret my choice of materials for the bench. Framed up with 2x6, screwed to the wall studs and 4x4 legs on the outboard end...all of which is fine. Framing topped with 1/2 CDX which is...okay. Normally I'd use 3/4 but the price is just stupid.
The real questionable part is that I used 3/4 inch melanine-sheathed particle board for the finish top. Suspect that may come back to bite me in the butt. Again, decision driven by price - A/C plywood (my usual go-to) is over $100 a sheet! Worst comes to worst, I'll either take it off (it's just screwed on from underneath) and replace it when (if...) prices come down, or cover it with some black iron sheet (if the price is any kind of reasonable at all).
The "chicken coop" got cleaned out good, pressure-washed, disinfected/de-odorized and the 275 gallon fuel oil tank is in place and plumbed up. Power has been run for the air compressor and eventual furnace. My furnace guy is looking for a suitable trailer or cottage base hot air unit.
BTW, the shop press won't live there, I'm waiting to move some of the big stuff in first before I decide where to put it.