New member
L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Last year we lost a friend of ours who was killed while riding a GoldWing. My wife and I ride as well but after my buddies wife died It made me rethink riding. I've been riding for 40 years now and this one shook me to the core. The cause of the accident was a young driver was texting in his car and came across the road and hit my friends head on. My buddies wife died instantly. After that happened I started to look at other options for the wife and I to spend time together so that's why the Mustang.
ll got it but don't feel the same out it. Be careful out there folks. No one is paying attention anymore.
Nice bike. Sorry to hear of the accident.
My dad has a Goldwing trike that same color.
Congrats on your anniversary and nice touch on the car.