Well I found water temp sender it was in top of head at rt rear. Still haven't found a serial number ,tag is missing from frame can't locate engine or a tranny number. I would like to determine what model of l3450 it is , the only thing I'm sure of is it isn't a gst , it does have a shuttle shift and fwd
If it isn't a 4wd then it's a L3450F, 2wd gear drive.
EDIT: Sorry just reread your post, if it does have 4wd and shuttle shift, it can be either a GST, and WET, or a DT.
GST has shifter on the left and it slides N-8 (but you say it's not that) and says GST on it.
WET has same shifter as DT but it will have a wet clutch, look for EC in big bold letters.
If you get the Serial# I can tell you exactly what model you have.
There is no frame tag on that model, the number will be just above the floor boards on the right hand side in a rectangle window in the transmission cover.