normally injector is fed by +12v constant with key on at one wire. The other wire on the injector is usually pulsed by the ECU.
with that said, are you testing the correct wire? You'll want a DVOM, and a WSM for testing. And also would need to learn to do a voltage drop test if you don't already know how.
Thanks lugbolt, I have a manual with the pin locations and I believe that I'm testing the correct terminals but I will double check that. I cant hardly believe that the ECU is bad because the unit was running before the engine rebuild. I will go back and recheck my sensors and grounds to see if I over looked something.
I rebuilt the engine myself, the unit has not started after the rebuild except for the times I shot gas down the throttle body. It will start a run as long as your squirting gas to it. The ECU module was on it but not firing the injector.