So, the saga continues, but in another state. I'm back home in Wisconsin, and for the first time ever in 3 years ownership of our LX2610 Cab, mice have moved into the cab. And engine bay. I was gone from home about 6 weeks.
So, my tractor, AKA the mouse condo, got a vacuum and Lysol cleaning yesterday. 1 large nest removed by the battery under the hood. No chewed wires as it looks.
Operated the tractor today, and a mouse was in it. It ran thru the 4wd lever gap and escaped.
So, I always have had Cab Clear or Grandpa Gus's rodent repellent in the cab. But that's not working anymore, apparently.
I was thinking of removing the doors of the cab this winter to make it not so condo like. Your thoughts?
I won't be using the tractor this winter. Tractor is stored where in doesn't get snowed on.