Howdy fellas! Just here to vent for a minute. Who else is plagued by inventory issues? We have been cutting 4aces of grass for the last 9years with a 54” riding mower and had an issue with it a couple weeks ago and decided it was time to get a tractor. I thought we would go pick out a tractor and get it in maybe a week. We ewe my to many dealers and kept getting the same answer we have lots on order we just don’t have any tractors here. We found a local dealer who finally had a LX2610 on the lot and a trailer for it. Went to talk with him we got really excited and then the news came. They had no loader on the lot, then it was we don’t have any of the attachments you want
. We are now 2weeks in they just got there hands on a loader and are still trying to get a bush hog, grapple, and a rear blade. Even worse news is our mower transmission just bit the dust while cutting the grass
spoke to the dealer today but has no timeframe when he can get all the pieces and he says the forecast from his Kubota reps is bleak. Who would have ever thought this would be a thing? If you are in the market for a new tractor and implements my advice is to not hesitate because you can’t just go at the last minute and get what you need at least in my area.