Photo shoot anything lately? Random Photo Thread


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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
...One thing I will say about the photography scene that began to really negatively impact me was the extensive use of post editing....
Ahh, the magic of post. Another form of fake news.

Here is a picture I took a few months ago. With a little work it looks 100 years old.

creepy-house.jpg creepy-house-1.jpg creepy-house-o.jpg
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Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
fascinating to watch these guys work! Has to be a adrenaline rush.
A few miles from my land.
Good friend of mine is self-employed as a crop duster. Has two aircraft, an older biplane and a newer single wing turbine. He likes the old one sometimes but when money's got to be made and the fields have to be sprayed quickly, the newer one gets used-which is 99% of the time.

Yeah he loves doing it. Been at it for 30 some years, in his late 60's now and hasn't slowed down one bit.

He's been on my case for years about getting my private license and I ain't done it. I ain't afraid, just no time and no money.



L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
A few years ago, I came across this Snow Owl with a rabbit. Snapped a couple quick pictures, and left so he could finish eating. I used to always have a camera/telephoto lens with me for just such an occasion... unfortunately, I have gotten out of the habit of keeping it with me.

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B1750, BX2370/wmid60" deck,loader,brushhog,backblade,3pt rear snowblower
Sep 21, 2017
Western NYS
Traveling from Western New York to Indiana.

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Sep 21, 2016
Vancouver Island Canada
A few years ago, I came across this Snow Owl with a rabbit. Snapped a couple quick pictures, and left so he could finish eating. I used to always have a camera/telephoto lens with me for just such an occasion... unfortunately, I have gotten out of the habit of keeping it with me.
Great shot!
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L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
Great shot!
Hear are a couple eagles. It's really nice to see these kinds if birds in the last 10 years. Before that it was very rare (snow owls were unheard of). When I was growing up, you would never even see Turkey's around here... now they are everywhere in great numbers.

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May 7, 2019
A few years ago, I came across this Snow Owl with a rabbit. Snapped a couple quick pictures, and left so he could finish eating. I used to always have a camera/telephoto lens with me for just such an occasion... unfortunately, I have gotten out of the habit of keeping it with me.

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Conropl, you have some good shots you've posted here. I can tell from the few shots you have shared that you are experienced and have studied photography. Your shots show great clarity and sharpness, great composition (Rule of thirds usage, great eye level shots here with the owl etc) I note on your previous post you are using extended shutter speeds so likely shooting from a tripod, perhaps with a shutter remote? Id be curious what equipment you use. Id love to know the technical specs of your shots. Shutter speed, ISO, aperture, focal length etc. Nice work



L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
Conropl, you have some good shots you've posted here. I can tell from the few shots you have shared that you are experienced and have studied photography. Your shots show great clarity and sharpness, great composition (Rule of thirds usage, great eye level shots here with the owl etc) I note on your previous post you are using extended shutter speeds so likely shooting from a tripod, perhaps with a shutter remote? Id be curious what equipment you use. Id love to know the technical specs of your shots. Shutter speed, ISO, aperture, focal length etc. Nice work
Thank you. That is very kind of you.

Probably a mistake asking me to describe the particulars, since I can probably go on a little longer than you want to read. Although, I must apologize first - I posted the pictures from my phone using TapTalk, and the download does not look good. I went back and at least separated the pictures better than how they ended up showing here originally. There still are some weird artifacts and softness in what ended up getting posted. Especially the B/W old tractor, trains and trucks really have some strange problems with what ended up being posted. I assume it is a TapTalk issue. To tell the truth, I hardly touch a computer anymore - I do everything off my phone (or phone/TV combo). I will have to try to post something directly from the computer to see if it turns out better.

For the long exposure shots - yes, I always use a tripod. I carry a large/heavy tripod around all the time, and do not see a good way to get the shots I like to take without one. And with the ones I posted, I also used a remote (intervalometer) and "Mirror Lock Up" to reduce vibrations. Below are the Tech Spec's for those and the bird shots.

Camera: Canon 1D-X. I also have a 5DS-R, but none of the shots where taken with it.

Lighthouse - Taken at the Frankfort, MI lighthouse at night. For this lens, the lowest I can get the aperture is f/2 without the coma distortion in the corners getting to noticeable. I also usually stay around 24 seconds on the shutter speed because that is the highest I can go at that focal length without the stars getting elongated to much. After that, the only thing I have left to tweak to get the exposure right is ISO.
Lens: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II, Shutter Speed = 24 seconds, Aperture = f/2.0, ISO = 800

Milky-Way (1st one) - Taken off the dock at our cabin. The tripod was actually sitting in the water at about 4 feet of water to get the camera real close to the water for a low angel shot.
Lens: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II, Shutter Speed = 24 seconds, Aperture = f/2.0, ISO = 3200

Milky-Way over Silver Lake (2nd one) - This was taken at Silver Lake, MI with Lake Michigan Dunes in the background (Lake Michigan is on the other side of the dunes).
Lens: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II, Shutter Speed = 24 seconds, Aperture = f/2.0, ISO = 1000

The Eagle and Owl shots were also taken with the Canon 1D-X with an EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS (Canon version I) with a 1.4X Teleconverter (Canon version I). These were all taken hand held just because everything just happened to quickly to get the shot any other way.

Snow Owl (both pictures):
Focal Length: 560mm, Shutter Speed = 1/1250 seconds, Aperture = f/8, ISO = 800

Single Eagle:
Focal Length: 560mm, Shutter Speed = 1/1000 seconds, Aperture = f/11, ISO = 1600

Eagle Pair:
Focal Length: 560mm, Shutter Speed = 1/500 seconds, Aperture = f/11, ISO = 1250

I used to take a lot of pictures, and really enjoyed it. Then work got in the way. I was heading to the airport early Monday morning and returning home on Friday every week for 6 years. And no longer had the time to spend taking pictures (something had to give). Last year I got sick of being away from home all the time, so I retired (and have never looked back). I hope to start getting the camera out more this year.

Please post more pictures. I am enjoying them all.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Everything these guys do, (the horses) they do in style.

Getting the pull team ready.

As a teenager, I took care of a bunch of Belgians that were housed in our barn.
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Sep 21, 2016
Vancouver Island Canada
"Camera: Canon 1D-X. I also have a 5DS-R, but none of the shots where taken with it."

With that equipment you must be a pro - it shows in your shots. One day I will upgrade if I can ever make up my mind to what; new and better equipment just never quits coming!



L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
"Camera: Canon 1D-X. I also have a 5DS-R, but none of the shots where taken with it."

With that equipment you must be a pro - it shows in your shots. One day I will upgrade if I can ever make up my mind to what; new and better equipment just never quits coming!
Ain't that the truth. You can chase new equipment constantly, and still be obsolete before the year is up. The 1D-X is getting old, and I planned to sell it when i got the 5DS R; but never got around to it... plus it is hard to give up. At the time the 1D-X was the best choice to reduce high ISO noise for the kind of pictures I wanted to take. Now there are lower level and cheaper cameras that can do better in low light situations. Since I retired, I am done chasing the next best piece of equipment.

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May 7, 2019
Ain't that the truth. You can chase new equipment constantly, and still be obsolete before the year is up. The 1D-X is getting old, and I planned to sell it when i got the 5DS R; but never got around to it... plus it is hard to give up. At the time the 1D-X was the best choice to reduce high ISO noise for the kind of pictures I wanted to take. Now there are lower level and cheaper cameras that can do better in low light situations. Since I retired, I am done chasing the next best piece of equipment.

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Conropl thank you so much for going into all the juicy details. You cant share enough for me. Im not sure if you saw my previous post but I was heavily into photography at one point and ran a photography community site so I used to spend hours a day in these types of discussions and sharing data and pictures. You have one of the same lenses I used to shoot with (The 100-400L). I was a canon owner as well. I used the EOS 7D, it was fresh on the market when I was using it but it is also old now. I also had a rebel for a 2nd body. The 1D-X body was a legend for sure in the day, but it is indeed getting old by todays standards. Still nothing at all wrong with it. Ultimately though, as you likely well know, the lenses are where you really want to invest your money. I would take a canon rebel with all L series lenses over the best Body on the market and all budget glass. Just before I got out of the hobby and sold everything I was looking to upgrade to a full frame body.

With that said, what is nice is that you clearly know the art of photography and show some skill with the tools you have. When I was running my website I ran into ALOT of people who had very expensive equipment but uploaded really really bad photographs for our judging. They would shoot in full auto mode, with all that money invested, and I would be baffled as to why they even spent all that. There are a LOT of people who like to walk around with an expensive camera but have no clue what they are doing. Likewise, ive seen some who had very little money and shot with basic lenses and a $300 entry level canon rebel and would produce phenomenal work. If you understand your camera and what it can do, and you have a good eye for composition and can master light, youre in a good place.

You shoot a lot of the same type of stuff I used to shoot. Landscape photography was my favorite, followed closely by wildlife. I may dig out some of my old external hard drives that has my work on it and post sometime, but that would take effort lol. I also used to shoot a lot of air shows for something different. Anyways enjoy the shots and the info :)



L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
....I used the EOS 7D, it was fresh on the market when I was using it but it is also old now. I also had a rebel for a 2nd body....
I had the same set up. I used the 7D for a long time, and got a lot of really good shot. But the low light ability was really lacking, and that is what I wanted to do more of. I enjoy the night time and early morning shooting... it is so quiet and no one is there to get in the way.

Please do post some. I would enjoy that, but I understand not wanting to dig everything up. I have just been downloading a copy off my flickr account so I don't have to dig them up. That's why the copy right symbol is on my pictures (otherwise it wouldn't be for posting low res pictures here). I had a computer crash, and one of my back up hard drives as well. I have the raw files on couple of other external drives, but the RAW processing/conversions are lost... so I don't really want to dig those up either.

What was the name of your site?

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