Skeets not doubt the law is there, but how much waiting and fighting takes place to get the machine back in operation at no cost to the owner? All over a few dollars I can save NOW.
Fram would be at the very bottom of my list of choices for sure. I won't use them on anything of mine. JMHOMattwithcats, what's your interest with Fram filters? You always bring up cross reference numbers and defend them, even when no one is looking?
You the manufactures rep?
LOL...... ouch!Mattwithcats, what's your interest with Fram filters? You always bring up cross reference numbers and defend them, even when no one is looking?
You the manufactures rep?
I doubt that there is a manufacturer in the world who doesn't want you to believe that their product is the best for you. As long as you are installing the right filter and changing it at the required interval you won't have a problem with any brand name filter. But that said, the warranty on Kubota's isn't that long that it will be a huge economic hardship to use their approved oil and filter until the warranty has expired. It just takes one more variable out of the question of what contributed to the failure.No offense meant to anyone, just curious.
The quality on any test, whether it's about oil filter, oil, coffee, paint, siding, or other goods can be determined by who PAYS for the test.
Somehow, those who do the testing come up with the results the ones paying for the research want, in many cases!
As I'm drinking my coffee this morning, I'm not sure if it's good or bad for me. Depends on which study I take to heart (pun intended).
One does not need to know any of that stuff. The lawyers do.
And they can find that info with nary a problem.
And they will take the case without a penny downgleefully as they know big bucks $$$$$$$$$$$ are waiting for them.
A company would be insane to deny a claim for stuff like that. They would be broke by now if they did.
they would have to have evidence that the inferior products caused the failure.Okay, what do I know anyway. In the last 15 years I have SEEN four different owners denied warranty due to fluid and/or filter issues. At least one of them was savvy enough to have his lawyer write letters although they never made it to court and he still did not get anywhere. He still had to pay after the better part of a year.
Gleeful lawyers? All you will get, at best, is expenses plus cost of repairs. Gonna get them for suffering and PTSD? Not much in it for a law firm other than their hourly rate.
How about we just agree to disagree on this. I can only try so hard to save a body from potential hardship. Much better things to discuss here on OTT.
they would have to have evidence that the inferior products caused the failure.