Sorry if this question is hard to understand. I will take some pictures if I need to. Anyways, my l3200 was delivered about 6 weeks ago with a land pride 60 inch rotary cutter attached. I kept it connected up until about two weeks ago when I wanted to break up some ground with and old field cultivator that I found in our barn. So when I used the cutter upon delivery, I could raise to rear pto all the way up and it would raise the cutter just enough off the ground to drive the tractor back to the barn. The rear tire on the cutter would actually remain on the ground, which worked fine for me. After re installing the cutter, I can't seem to get it level. Now when I lift the pto up that back of the cutter comes way off the ground, and when I try to level it to cut with, the top support arm, (not sure what you call it) becomes loose and vibrates all over the place. I've tried adjusting it every which way but just couldn't get it right. I'm sure I'm missing something silly, should have paid more attention when I took it off for the first time. Thanks for your help, I'm a complete rookie with this stuff!