Battery box makes sense. I will have to remember to put it back on in the spring when i take the cover off.
ROPS knobs, yup that was it. I remember them now. Looks like they took them off and put bolts in place
Rear wiper, I'm sure like you I wont need them. But I think like you this is a one time pass from my wife. I can have what i want all at once and thats it. So I'm kicking myself for not having them order it

But probably not needed
I been talking to brotech about spacers (along with the front and rear skid plate). Looks like I can get 1.5 spacers in the rear. I have a MMM as a backup plan if our zero turn breaks. So I want to be able to use the MM in an emergency. But its a 54 inch.
I asked the dealer to load the tires, they didnt want too, saying something about rusting the rims. So in the next few weeks I will be doing it myself. I thing I still have the tire stem adapter from loading my ford tractors tires many years ago. Just wondering how many gallons I can fit in each rear tire. By the size it looks like 8-9 gallons. I have a heavy hitch coming for the rear though with a suitcase weight bracket. So in the winter time I can add some weights if need be also.
Boots I see on amazon for $11 a pop, ordering them up.
Did you ever add any insulation, sound deadening to the floorboard and front to help with the trans noise in the cab?