That’s awesome your wife will help you on the tractor! I can’t even get my wife to drive the lawn tractor we have! (I don’t trust her with it anyway).I didnt drive mine. Thought about it later lol....7 year warranty. I wanted a cab 3310 i think thats a sweet machine. My wife though will be helping and wanted the cab and heat.
So i bought what they had. I love the tractor im sure you will too. Congrats !!!
Mine helps with farm stuff and yard work but only on the ground and she doesn’t like to use power equipment. So she’s out there with the wheelbarrow shovel and the loppers lol
Im very excited to get the tractor. I have a big front yard of nice looking grass I keep mowed with my zero turn, but the rest of the property looks like crap and it’s been driving me nuts!! I can’t wait to mow it and maintain it!