

New member

B2380 RV-1
Nov 23, 2024
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'm new to this forum and have not yet accessed it in past discussions: what are the best ways to keep mice out of tractors (and other vehicles)? I have had the most success with scented dryer sheets, but still get infestations, especially if I don't change them regularly. Suggestions?

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Moth balls in a sock, Irish spring, a mean barn cat, lots of mouse traps....
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Runs With Scissors

Well-known member

L2501 TLB , Grappel, Brush Hog, Box Blade, Ballast box, Forks, Tiller, PH digger
Jan 25, 2023
Barn cat.

My neighbor has a few "outside cats" that I feed a little to keep them coming around.

It's fun to sit there with an adult beverage, and watch them hunt.

Although my favorite is the chickens.....I get a real kick out of feeding them for some reason....

I crack up when they run...:ROFLMAO:(y) (although admittedly, they probably don't do much for mice)
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BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
There are some feral cats that frequently come to hunt in my yard. I don't discourage them but I don't feed them either. They seem to keep rodents under control for me. Occasionally I will see remains of their prey when I am mowing, so I know that the cats are effective.


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BX2370 (impliment details in my Profile->About)
Apr 24, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
I've found no one thing works all the time.

Out of nowhere mice invaded my land, dug in, ruined "a lot of stuff," pooped and peed "everywhere," and really, really cheezed me off. When their numbers kept increasing and there was no end in sight I finally decided this is a war and declared them the enemy.

War is hell, and this was going to be an ongoing conflict, costly, and time consuming. I'd taken losses on my side, it was time they took heavy casualties on theirs. I decided to hit fast, hit hard, see what worked, and then ramp things up.

I went on a recon mission and found Decon was stockpiled by the mice and not always effective, somehow some mice built up a resistance, and it was the same with bait pellets.

I dropped a fair bundle at the farm supply store on live traps, solid bait block stations, and bait. These worked, and worked well. The live traps caught 5 to 7 nice at a time and kept bait prices down. Solid bait blocks stopped the stockpiling of food, but again they built up a resistance to the poison.

I set up an account at Solutions Pest and Lawn and bought higher quality products and at lower prices than the local farm supply store.

I found live traps with a bit of crushed bait block inside near the vent holes catches a fair amount of mice, especially when a block of wood is placed on the trap so it's more work for mice to jump over the trap instead of going into the hole. This is the cheapest, most effective trap in my arsenal.

Peanut butter scented sticky traps work great in the center of the building and along some edges, catching the "runners" that are hard to catch. (Some sill find a way to escape.) They're a bit costly, but do the job other traps don't.

Snap traps tied with string and baited with peanut butter catch mice that don't like to go into live traps and chew on the non-sticky edges of sticky traps. They're cheap and effective, the ones I use have a "cup" for peanut better (and holes in the trip paddle for peanut butter) so the mouse is likely to force the trap to trip. Tilt them nose-down to set, and nose-up to lock, super easy. Make a loop in the string and pass the trap through so a mouse can't make off with the trap--sometimes they do that).

I'm now also using outdoor bait stations with quite deadly soft bait. These are keyed and weighted down because other animals will try to get into them because of the scent. Mice love the soft bait and cleaned me out, so I've re-loaded with soft bait spread over peanut butter bait blocks so they have their choice of food and hopefully spend time eating the cheaper bait blocks, I'll know more over the holiday. This should drastically cut down on their ability to source reinforcements.

Sonic mouse repellers have done nothing no matter how many were used. Peppermint oil concentrate "kind of" works for 2-3 days then needs reapplication--due to cost it's best for negating mouse urin smell rather than repelling mice. A 5-gallon bucket, stick, and sunflower seeds has caught a couple mice, but unlike 50 years ago today's mice seem to learn quickly from watching their friends, and some are just really, really cautious, which is why I therefore don't buy any fancy traps seen on YouTube--no matter how many years YouTubers spent building "the best mousetrap" some mice will avoid it, others will learn from them, and the mouse invasion continues.

The indoor anti-mouse methods have wiped out indoor infestations. The outdoor bait stations haven't yet stopped all mice from wandering inside, but they were cleaned out so at some point the population of squeakers should markedly decrease.

The next step is to bend aluminum and seal the entryways. Unless they get boring equipment or hire rats to tunnel through it the ground invaders will be halted, though "attic mice" could still be a problem.

(I have no relationship with them other than as a customer and get nothing from this other than the satisfaction of perhaps helping a fellow forum member.)
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Well-known member

B2150 Kubota LA 350 750 Woods S250 Bobcat 300x deere
Jul 18, 2024
5 gallon buckets with 1/4 filled antifreeze. Little peanut butter on water bottle with 1/4 brake line thru middle ( or other) on top. They run up a little piece of trim( or other) jump on peanut butter bottle fall in and drown in antifreeze. Can leave it a long time no smell as they are pickled. Cant put it out in open near pets.
Been done over 75 years in summer camps left over winter. Get chipmunks also.
Probably not great for WOKE followers.🤣
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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Barn cat.

My neighbor has a few "outside cats" that I feed a little to keep them coming around.

It's fun to sit there with an adult beverage, and watch them hunt.

Although my favorite is the chickens.....I get a real kick out of feeding them for some reason....

I crack up when they run...:ROFLMAO:(y) (although admittedly, they probably don't do much for mice)
Actually some chickens go nuts over mice. As it turns out Buckeyes and also Orpingtons do…probably others but I’ve seen both those breeds do it first hand…they stop whatever they are doing and find another gear to go after mice.

If you like watching them run, wait till you see them go after mice…but don’t spill your beverage.
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The Evil Twin

Well-known member

L2501, LA526,
Jul 19, 2022
The only thing we have that sits for long is the RV. The ONLY thing I have found success with is peppermint oil. We use glass salt shakers stuffed with cotton balls. A dropper full of oil goes on the cotton. We place 6 or 7 around the RV in drawers, closets storage areas etc. No mice at all!
We have tried the ultrasonic things, moth balls, Irish Spring,,,, you name it.
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Well-known member

B2150 Kubota LA 350 750 Woods S250 Bobcat 300x deere
Jul 18, 2024
The only thing we have that sits for long is the RV. The ONLY thing I have found success with is peppermint oil. We use glass salt shakers stuffed with cotton balls. A dropper full of oil goes on the cotton. We place 6 or 7 around the RV in drawers, closets storage areas etc. No mice at all!
We have tried the ultrasonic things, moth balls, Irish Spring,,,, you name it.
Not one i have heard of…sounds good. Just bought 12 salt shakers too give it a try. RV is always a challenge.
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
5 gallon buckets with 1/4 filled antifreeze. Little peanut butter on water bottle with 1/4 brake line thru middle ( or other) on top. They run up a little piece of trim( or other) jump on peanut butter bottle fall in and drown in antifreeze. Can leave it a long time no smell as they are pickled. Cant put it out in open near pets.
Been done over 75 years in summer camps left over winter. Get chipmunks also.
Probably not great for WOKE followers.🤣
Ya beat me to it,,lol
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Runs With Scissors

Well-known member

L2501 TLB , Grappel, Brush Hog, Box Blade, Ballast box, Forks, Tiller, PH digger
Jan 25, 2023
5 gallon buckets with 1/4 filled antifreeze. Little peanut butter on water bottle with 1/4 brake line thru middle ( or other) on top. They run up a little piece of trim( or other) jump on peanut butter bottle fall in and drown in antifreeze. Can leave it a long time no smell as they are pickled. Cant put it out in open near pets.
Been done over 75 years in summer camps left over winter. Get chipmunks also.
Probably not great for WOKE followers.🤣
I tried it and, you're right.

They are too tall and keep getting out.
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Well-known member

Kubota L2502, LP 60" BB, LP pallet forks, 60" KK Tiller, 55" HSI root grapple
Sep 29, 2023
Southern Indiana
Since I have animals that could eat a poisoned mouse, I keep sticky traps all over my shop. They do a great job of catching the mice....
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