Got the floorboards lined yesterday. Only planned on doing the 2 floor boards and center hump, but the rear panel had to come out for the LH floorboard to come out. The rear panel was a bit of a PITA to get out so I went ahead and had it done too.
They only did the top surfaces, not complete wrap.
The rear panel wedges between the fenders so tight I had them not spray the sides cause I was worried the bolt holes wouldn't line up good if they added material there and made it any tighter of a fit.
I'll try and get some more pics outside when the tractor is clean.
I think the black breaking up the orange looking at the tractor from the side makes it look a little longer, not that it matters.
They only did the top surfaces, not complete wrap.
The rear panel wedges between the fenders so tight I had them not spray the sides cause I was worried the bolt holes wouldn't line up good if they added material there and made it any tighter of a fit.
I'll try and get some more pics outside when the tractor is clean.
I think the black breaking up the orange looking at the tractor from the side makes it look a little longer, not that it matters.
