Watching this thread and getting excited! Thinking about taking the plunge into the 3D printing world also.
Well sir, buckle up, cause it was very bumpy start. (for me at least).
So I started this ordeal/mess/voyage by getting a CNC Plasma cutter.
I quickly learned that I was very "short sighted". Especially when it came to the "Computer" part of CNC
So, long story long..........
HAD to have a CNC plasma cutter, so I did about 2 weeks worth of "head up my ass, pie in the sky, rose colored glasses on", "research" and bought a Langmuir Pro table.
It arrives about 2 weeks later and I am all giddy like a school girl going to prom.........I get it all put together and immediately realized that I was woefully ill prepared "computer wise" in regard to both hardware AND, as it turns out, more importantly software.
In my
dream world, you simply buy a $5K+ CNC Plasma machine, plug it in, and it sh!ts out parts magically.........
Not so fast there ..........
So being a tight wad, I decided to try and use my "daily driver" internet computer as my CNC computer, my trusty Macbook Air.
Well trying to use a Mac was a "Cluster F" from minute one. I do not possess the computer skills/patience necessary to try and 'convert' Mac machines to run Windows based programs, and as I found out, "basically" all CAD programs and related software are Windows based.....................
So after much cussing/swearing/yelling, it was off to the Big A to get a Windows based laptop.
Well I should have just kicked myself in the nuts, burned the 300 dollars I spent on that "low end laptop", and called it a day......but not understanding what I had just gotten into, I doubled down and spent another 150'ish dollars on basic software like SheetCam and ViaCAD for my "new" laptop.
ViaCAD was a bust. Worst 50 bucks I ever spent. It kept crashing 1/2 way through a drawing and losing the data.........Now keep in mind, it was taking me 4 F'ing hours just to draw a "square" and round off the when that thing kept crashing, I was about to have a stroke!!!!!!!!
So I decided to try Fusion 360 the "free version".
Well it turns out that my "bargain laptop" will run the table itself just fine, HOWEVER, it was brought to its proverbial "knees" when I tried to run Fusion 360.....
OMG, I had no idea how much RAM/memory/graphics CAD programs like Fusion needed. I would literally click on a drawing and have to wait 20 seconds (I counted) for the computer to respond.
Anywho, I decided to dump Fusion 360 because it is cloud based, and given my current situation, it was impossible to do that. I needed "computer based" software, not "cloud based".
So off of a recommendation from OTT, (thanks to
) I tried this a CAD program called Alibre
I ended up buying (and returning) 3 more laptops before I got one (I named it "Beast") that would run Alibre Atom 3D smoothly(ish) so that's another $1400 bones out the door......
So here I am, now with 3 laptops (my original Mac, my pos 300 dollar job, and the $1400 Beast) and my "on sale" $200 "Alibre Atom 3d"
Well, that $200 version lasted about 3 weeks........ using "Alibre Atom 3D" for a short while, I find out that it is a pretty stripped down version, and so I said "What the hell!!!............In for a penny, in for a pound", so I upgrade to the "middle tier" Alibre Pro while it is still on sale. (another 800 bucks flying out the door)
So now, here I am, up to my eyeballs in computers and software, ~ $3,000 lighter, asking for advice on a 3D printer...........WTF am I thinking??????