Do you remember where you were and what you were doing? My partner and I were doing an inspection on a strip. And the dozer operator was not pushing or doing anything just sitting in his cab. We walked over wondering why he stopped , a sure sign something is wrong with the machine, He said hey guys listen to this, he had Howard Stern on and we listened about the first plane hitting the twin towers,, and then the second. No other radio station had anything about it for at least an hour afterwards. We picked up our toys and headed back to the office, and when we walked in the Boss asked why we were back so soon? And we told him what we heard, bullshit he said someone would have called us. But he opened his desk top to what ever news feed he had. He called the 2 secretaries in and told them to call everyone back ,,now!
I still cannot watch people falling jumping from the windows to their death