My 2001 L5450 recently acquired a new "issue". I've noticed while using this machine that the RPMs will not go above 2k and now the lights are flickering. I've visually checked the grounds and fuses. None of which looked burned or even misshapen from heat. All the contact points have been cleaned and I even added dielectric grease to all the contact points. Starter wire is tight with a good clean contacts.
What I've done:
Checked voltage
Checked all grounds/fuses (cleaned and greased)
12v source cables (cleaned and greased)
Pulled dash checked wires for cracks/breaks/chaffs shorts
Not done:
checked anything mechanical (I don't know what to check for this)
tested the ignition switch itself-I just thought of that.
voltage drop
Any help would be greatly appreciated
What I've done:
Checked voltage
Checked all grounds/fuses (cleaned and greased)
12v source cables (cleaned and greased)
Pulled dash checked wires for cracks/breaks/chaffs shorts
Not done:
checked anything mechanical (I don't know what to check for this)
tested the ignition switch itself-I just thought of that.
voltage drop
Any help would be greatly appreciated