L4200 Glow Plugs



1997 Kubota L4200
May 24, 2018
DeSoto Mo USA
Can anyone tell me what parts I should replace to hopefully get my glow plugs to work? The light doesn’t come on and it’s hard to start when it’s cold. Do I need a relay? Thanks.



B7200 HST-D RC-60-72, L4200 GST MFWD with FEL
Aug 17, 2020
I know it is an old thread, but your tractor "reads" engine temp etc and the glow plug controller (really its name) and it engages them based on its ideals. No user input available. I took the dash apart and used a momentary switch to engage the relay myself, net cost the switch, had everything else. You can put a controller for $70 or so too...


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Lifetime Member

M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
I know it is an old thread, but your tractor "reads" engine temp etc and the glow plug controller (really its name) and it engages them based on its ideals. No user input available. I took the dash apart and used a momentary switch to engage the relay myself, net cost the switch, had everything else. You can put a controller for $70 or so too...
On the M series there is a trick to override the GP controller. There is likely a trick for the L series also.

The following is a cut and paste from an old thread
Kubota glow plug operation

In very cold weather, with the block heater plugged in, the glow plug sensor will lock out the glow plugs as it senses a warm engine.

However, starting, in these circumstances can be rough and worrisome as the engine is still inhaling very cold air.

The trick is to put the shuttle shift lever in forward and turn the key to the start position.

You will hear a relay click on. I count to 10, put the shuttle back into the neutral position and start the engine.

Makes an amazing difference.

On newer models, M7060 perhaps, Kubota realized the problem and provided software which would allow the dealer to set which sensor decided the GP on time. When owners of the M series tractors install their own block heater, they won’t get the software change and need to use the manual way to control the GP’s

I know there are GP work around on other Kubota models but I was only interested in M7040’s at the time.

I learned of this undocumented feature from a Kubota mechanic who was moving around many machines for snow clearing. It was very cold and the fact that he had no trouble getting them to fire caught my eye.



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L4740-3 Cab, FEL, Fnt Snow Blower L2185, LP Finish Mower, LP Rotary Mower
Mar 3, 2017
If they are going to test the circuit, a voltage drop test can be very helpful in finding issues with the circuit.

Unlike a static voltage test, the circuit is tested under load with a voltage drop test. There are many videos available if uncertain how to perform.