After posting on a leaking steering actuator and clunking Rt rear wheel I now have a new problem.
It won’t start. Nada, nothing. Battery good. Cables good. Top 10 amp fuse out. Check wiring diagram in service manual and states for ignition. Ok, so the keyed switch was starting to spin around when turning it to the first position. Maybe some wires crossed behind the panel and shorted it. Remove the screws to the panel, lift it up to where I can pull out switch assembly. Wires are fine and securely attached to the switch. However there is an individual blue/white wire and an individual blue/red wire both capped off but with their outer insulation worn in a couple of places….????? So I wrap those with electrical tape in case they came in contact with each other or grounded against the frame. Try again to start and nothing, not even a peep. Fuse intact. I do have a volt meter but clueless on how to check the switch with it. What’s even more of a nightmare is the frayed wiring to and behind the hour meter when I looked at that. But I digress.