L2501 - What can't it do...


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
I wasn't really planning to...

However, one of the spool shafts in the loader valve sheared off internally. The hydraulic fluid needed a change. The spool shaft is not separately replaceable and requires a whole new loader valve. It is also somewhat difficult to access on the B-series. Between the new valve, dealer labor of 3-5 hours, and the fluid change I was looking at north of $1500. In addition, the front R4 tires on the B were starting to wear down, and the vinyl on the seat cushion had started to lift.

I decided rather than put money in the B series, I would just opt to trade for the standard L series. The B-series has been a very good tractor to me and I have used it very hard (mowed 30 acres of field on a hillside twice a year for several years with a 4-foot flail mower). I will miss the 60" belly mower and the ultimate in maneuverability than the B-series offered. However, the larger, heavier L-series has many things I appreciate such as a significantly larger bucket (66" vs 50"). Ultimate lift capacity is not night and day different, although the L can lift over a foot higher. But the bucket width is very useful to me since I often carry tools and equipment out into the filed in it.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
It won't farm and it certainly won't power a round baler, not enough pto power and not enough machine weight. Won't run a disc mower, not enough power and weight again. Might make a good rake tractor though (with a sun canopy to keep the sun off your head).

Might run a square baler, maybe but machine weight is too light again. PTO power is good though. Won't pull a turning plow more than a single bottom though it will pull a disc. Not enough machine weight or power to run a chopper (brush hog) of any size. Certainly not a bat wing like I run.

Fine as a residential unit for a homeowner, not good for ground engagement or haying.:)
Well, I run a small landscaping business...I'm not a farmer. The only PTO task it needs to do is run a 4-foot flail mower. Otherwise, it will be used to bucket mulch around, run a back blade or landscape rake, push some snow, grab some brush, etc. It certainly will be used commercially and have a lot of hours on it, but I'm quite certain it will do very well at this. I also have my MX tractor for heavier duty tasks.

There are actually plenty of videos on youtube of the 2501 running 5-foot brush hogs through thick brush pretty well.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
If I read the thread title correctly it asks what it cannot do. I listed a few things it cannot do. Far as a 5 foot chopper, that is small potatoes for me. When I use the chopper I need to get it done, time is money. It's all economy of scale.

Don't expect my 90 pto horsepower tractors to pull a 12 bottom or pull a 20 foot wide planter or a 15 foot fold up cultipacker either. Not big enough, nor heavy enough.

I could probably pick a 2501 up on my forks with any of the 3 M's I own. Loader lift capacity is well over a 1.1/2 tons.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
I think if you read even the first couple of posts in this thread, you'd understand that one or more excited owners are very pleased with the amount of work they can accomplish from this tractor, seemingly exceeding the amount you'd expect given the power.

However, instead of following that vein of logic, you choose to be condescending with comments like "small potatoes" and "I could pick up an L2501 with my M-series loader" etc.

And by the way, an L2501 with a loader and loaded rear tires is over 4,000lbs, so I doubt you'd be lifting it much with your M.


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
L2501 - What can't it do...

Well, it can't take you offshore to catch tuna.

That being said, it can get you through your chores in a timely fashion. That leads to more time being left for fishing. The title of your thread leads to some pretty 'deep' contemplation...… :D


Well-known member

l2501, FEL, BB, Rotary cutter, rake,spreader, roller, etc. New Holland TL80 A
Sep 14, 2018
West Central,FL
It won't farm and it certainly won't power a round baler, not enough pto power and not enough machine weight. Won't run a disc mower, not enough power and weight again. Might make a good rake tractor though (with a sun canopy to keep the sun off your head).

Might run a square baler, maybe but machine weight is too light again. PTO power is good though. Won't pull a turning plow more than a single bottom though it will pull a disc. Not enough machine weight or power to run a chopper (brush hog) of any size. Certainly not a bat wing like I run.

Fine as a residential unit for a homeowner, not good for ground engagement or haying.:)[/QUOTE

Sometimes people write things down when they should just be still. The l2501 will run a square baler very nicely. With the HST you can control the ground speed thus the feed rate into the baler very nicely. In a gear tractor the lack of speed control results in a lot of stop and starting and or riding the clutch. And if you tie the square baler to one of those big tractors of yours you are wasting time fuel and money. Snapping those shear bolts can be very time consuming.

Running a tedder with the smaller tractor may ride a little rough riding but it will do the job.

The raking is done very nicely on the smaller tractor as the shorter wheel base make for quick corners.

The larger tractor are a great benefit when you are mowing and round baling. The drum hay cutters that are made for the small tractors are very good at cutting hay but are slower due to the shorter cutter bar length.

I have been able to make some good money with my little tractor with a bush hog on the back. A couple hundred dollars in an evening is OK for me for a lot that you could not even turn your tractor around on.

Some things like plowing are done much better with my IH Cub and 1 bottom, which helped me pay my way through college.

So you and your big boy tractors are good for your setup. There are many places that the smaller tractor will do a fine job.
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New member

Kubota L2501 tractor with bucket, bale spear, pallet fork, bush hog, and disc
Mar 24, 2024
Hocking County, Ohio

The only thing at times I wish I had a little more of is weight, it can feel a little tippy on slopes at times. But my tires aren't filled either, that's a trade off to be able to work in my yard without tearing up the turf quite as much.

I have the same issue with my L2501. Thinking about wheel weights for it, as my place is pretty hilly. (It doesn't help that my grand-nephew is creating runoff ditches and mounds of dirt here either! LOL)


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Lifetime Member
Vendor Member

L2501 w/ S2T Turbo Kit = 35 PTO HP (Current), B2601 (Sold)
May 7, 2021
You could also look into wheel spacers which will help with stability on hills.


Runs With Scissors

Well-known member

L2501 TLB , Grappel, Brush Hog, Box Blade, Ballast box, Forks, Tiller, PH digger
Jan 25, 2023
I'm also considering a BH77 backhoe for it but I'm a little worried the tractor wont power it well enough.

Have no fear, the BH-77 is a great option. I love mine, it's possibly the best part of having the tractor.

The 77 will throw the tractor around pretty easily.

And as always.......Take the advice from Clemenza......

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