My opinion is this.
It's kinda like when the "Emissions BS" started in the 70's. Cars (overall) were basically "sh!t", and they seemed infinitely more complicated, and there were tons of problems and the 'old timers" of back then basically said "the sky was falling" , much like todays "old timers" do now.
But the reality is this.
A 1970's car today is easy to work on, cause there are tons of mods, and the systems are ancient/easy. (Although the cars are still basically sh!t)
In 20 years all the "complicated computer stuff" will be ancient technology and small child using their phone will be able to work on them, because by then, the 'new stuff" will make the "old stuff" look like childs play.
It's kind of a 'relative thing" I guess.
The problem (for me at least) is that in 20 years, I probably won't be around, so I bought an 'old school" machine due to the the lack of time to "play the game".