I like documenting these kinds of things one to help anyone else in this mess, two in case I need help getting out of this mess, and three we all like looking at pictures they are some much more helpful to convey what is going on.
Here is my rusty seat bracket. It looks to have been expertly repaired by someone along the line.
First step get that out of the way.
Next the top of the tranny, Now I'm not really sure that I needed to go this far but like I said I'm new to all this plus it is nice to see how it all works.
So here is where I think I went too far to soon. It looks to me like the issue is in the front of that cylinder and maybe I could have left the top of the tranny on?
Closer review shows that the o-ring there is completely torn in two.
So now my question is, is this likely all that was wrong just replace that and go? or since I have the top of go ahead and pull the piston replace rings etc?
If I wanted to look for that o-ring online what would I call it?
Also I guess this is the diff not the transmission? sorry car guy ,and it is all in one case so that is messing me up.