The one weird thing about npt which has bit me i think twice over the years is since its a tapered thread, when you first start threading 2 things together you’re threading the smallest part of the male thread to the biggest part of the female thread and that makes it possible to start it crooked and start crossthreading it without it ‘feeling’ like you’re crossthreading it until you’re already a couple turns in. I just try to make sure its visually correct when im starting things together and dont ‘just’ go by feel on the first couple of threads.
Sounds like you got it figured out.. and yeah Surplus Center is great and their paper catalog is legitimately the most interested ive been in a paper catalog in many years.. maybe ever.

Sounds like you got it figured out.. and yeah Surplus Center is great and their paper catalog is legitimately the most interested ive been in a paper catalog in many years.. maybe ever.