Jury Duty... again

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I thought it was just because you are there....


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Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
Someone made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I'll try to give the reader digest version of things:

I was living in Phoenix, AZ when I had a neighbor (we'll call him Joe) became unhinged a went of the rails.
The police had 91 calls (before this night) on Joe, in less than 6 months for odd behavior and violent actions against neighbors and his own family.
Joe had threatened family and neighbors with knives and guns on several occasions.
I had caught him in my trees and on my property several times over the few weeks prior to this event.
Family members had said he was making bombs, and quite a few times throughout the year before there was unexplained, late night explosions, in the neighborhood.
I had a talked to the police over the year and had made quite a few calls on the explosions and Joe myself.

This night I got a call from one of the single female neighbors that I helped with things all the time, that Joe had threatened her the night before and asked if I would keep an eye out as she thought he was going to do it again.
About 9:00 I was sitting in my front yard and watched him run across the street to the neighbor's house, and did it over and over again every few minutes.
I called a friend that lived just the other side of the female neighbor and had him meet me in his driveway (for backup), I walked around the long block as to not walk in front of joe's house.
Now at my friends driveway with him we watched Joe walk out again and started across the street, we high tailed it up to him and asked him what he was doing and told him he needed to quit harassing the other neighbors, he said yes sir and ran back into his house, really odd behaviour from him as he was normally a arguer.
Now standing on the sidewalk we noticed the neighbor ladies trash can was in an odd place and a bunch of wires and stuff sticking out, almost opened it but didn't, but knew it was too odd, also we notice the real heavy smell of ammonia (known bomb making material), I started to look around and at the side of the her garage was three 5 gallon water bottles with a box and a rag over top of them, light bulb went off and realized what it was and turned to run, he burst out his front door waving a gun and yelling how he was blow us away we hit the ground hiding behind cars he turned to go back in and we both ran separate directions just to get away from him.
I hit the house running and grabbed my AR and called the police, a lieutenant that I knew and knew all about joe and the situation, was luckily in the area and came right over, he pulled up and I told him a quick synopsis of situation, he called for backup, minutes later two rookies pulled up and said they would go have a look, the lieutenant and I told both of them not to do it and wait for backup, they both said not to worry they could handle this themselves, they walked down the street, then they seen the trash can as they were about three houses away and Joe threw open the garage door and started yelling and screaming that he was going to kill everyone, two rookies came running back!
The lieutenant order them to go around the block and block off the road on the other side, which they finally listened and did.
The next 10 hours was a rush and overwhelming amount of 100's of cops, Bomb Squad and Swat team, neighbors being hurried out of there homes,
in the early morning hours they finally overtook him and subdued him and took him into custody.
I made one fatal mistake during all of this event, I listened to and watched every move and every detail of what was going on, and it was more stress then I could take, It wasn't the first time I'd had a gun pulled on me and wasn't the first time someone tried to kill me (Thanks DAD), but it was the first for (bomb squads exact words) a bomb big enough to level several city blocks, lucky for all involved, I interrupted him and he hadn't finished setting it all up.

Out of this fun experience I got years of Psychological treatment, a PTSD diagnosis, a prescription for a service animal, (my service animals have always been wolves or wolf dogs, they just work really well for me), a divorce because I was "crazy" ( that one was a positive side effect), more blackouts and lost hours or days than I can count, and a lifetime of looking over my shoulder and worrying about who or what was coming after me and trying to kill me.
I spent the next three years in court testifying to what happened and worked to get Joe locked up, sadly they only gave him 5 years due to him being off his medication (Complete BS) :mad:,.
I did get a lifetime restraining order, but that didn't, and doesn't really help my frame of mind much, this guy was nuts and wanted to kill me.
When I see or hear a person that looks or sound like him I lose it!!!

During my divorce I meet a wonderful lady, now wife, and if you meet her you would say the same thing.
She's helped me tremendously in dealing with all the issues, and there was a bunch, like this one, "hey love to date you, but I've gotta have a wolf with me all the time and I really hope he likes you and you like him too" :rolleyes:
We decided rather quickly that we would be a lot better off around a lot less people, TADA North Idaho, here because we had a house to stay in and it was remote only three neighbors, (parents retirement home which they weren't going to use for a few more years).
We have since moved to our own place and gotten a few more protectors, 10 to be exact! :D
Yes I have guns, and they are good for protection, but it's really hard for someone to be quicker and or stealthier than my wolves and wolfdogs! ;)

I'm a lot better off now than I was, just writing this is very stressful, but also therapeutic another way, PTSD never goes away, but with the right treatment it can be manageable!
I have huge compassion for vets or anyone with PTSD it is definitely a real hidden injury! :(

So yes I hide in North Idaho to try and avoid as many people as I can and I have a lot more control over my surroundings, I have a wolf to watch my back, front, and side, and to comfort and calm me. :D


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Sean I don't know what to say, what a horrible experience and just glad your okay. I've seen first hand what PTSD can do to a person when I decided to go to the veteran's office here in the city when they offered to try and help me with my decease. It was very difficult to watch the pain these men and women were in and even with all they were going through they were still there trying to help other people. Your wife sounds a lot like mine and I'm not sure how I could make it through al I've been through without her by my side. God bless you my friend, stay strong you have fur babies and a beautiful wife that need you.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
This is the second time I've heard the synopsis of this incident. I still have the same opinion- this whackjob is lucky he was not in my neighborhood. I think Sean showed admirable restraint. Threatening that many people with the means to carry out his threats, I probably would have given him a new prescription. It would only have to be administered once.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Dittos to what Bill said. Yikes. Glad you met the right lady. I like a happy ending. I can tell you this: You moved to the right place.

A friend lives just north of Boise. The little community is tight and everyone knows everyone else. In the community was this awesome Hispanic family that worked all over town and everyone thought very highly of. The day two young gang banger relatives showed up, the family suddenly got quiet and restless. Coincidental with the kids from L.A. showing up, the non-existent crime rate suddenly surged up. Within a week, a couple cars had been robbed. A garage looted. Finally, someone who knew the Hispanic mother and father asked them what was going on with the "visitors."

The parents finally opened up and said they were under threat. These relatives from L.A. were laying low after doing some major gang crimes, including muder. These kids were bad news. Word spread like wildfire in town and that afternoon, when the kids car returned to the families driveway, about 30 cars quietly pulled up in front of the home. The first couple were police cars. The rest were town folk.. and they were armed to the teeth.

The cops rang the doorbell and asked to see the boys. When the boys walked out the front door, they were stunned at what they saw. Some 40 men stood with rifles at the ready. The Sheriff advised them that they had five minutes to collect their things and leave town. They were further advised that if they ever showed their face in that town again, their bodies would never be found. The boys hurriedly grabbed their stuff and headed out of town, followed a mile or so out of town by police vehicles and the long line of civilian trucks following them.

That was over fifteen years ago and the boys were never seen again. The Hispanic family said they had been threatened with death if they told any of the citizens or law enforcement about their antics and crimes in town or in L.A. They appreciated the town folk for saving their lives.

Western justice: It's still alive and well. Great place for you to be Sean.

Oh, and I don't think any laws would have stopped Sean's neighbor in his crazy efforts. Too bad they couldn't have taken him under custody earlier. This is yet another case where the real threat gets ignored or put off until something really bad happens. Why is that so common? Have we given the criminals too many "passes?" A threat is a threat and yet the "system" failed Sean and his neighbors. That is why the 2nd Amendment is so critical. The police are not their for your individual safety. Their charter is "public safety." The only one to defend and protect you is YOU.
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Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
In our area, there has been an upward trend of gang violence. Several new gangs have sprouted up and they are un-affiliated. What I mean by un-affiliated, is that they are just a group of kids that decided to start a gang. No management or leadership to keep the members in check.

Instead of keeping a low profile, these kids are driving down the interstate shooting into vehicles, random drive-by shootings, and abductions with murder for innitiations. Gal in her mid fifties was recently abducted from a shopping center parking lot not 8 miles from us. Vehicle was stolen and she was killed.

Wife and I both have our conceal carry permit. Wife also carries a military grade tazer in her pocket.

There was a shoot out last summer behind our old shop in Conway. We have the jail and it's corresponding property right behind the shop, then on the other side of the jail is a run down trailer park. Shoot out happened in the trailer park. We had a couple guys unloading a truck in our parking lot and I was picking some stuff up in the wash bay when it happened. We heard the shots and the zings from the bullets going by. I was washing my service truck the next day and found where one of the bullets had grazed and peeled the paint on the hood :eek:

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Ray, your story warms my heart. We would have zero crime if this was the norm.
Instead, in most cases, the good guys get prison time while the PsOS get off.
When I went through my two years of hell with a family of criminals (I may write a book some day) I went to a friend on the city of Phoenix police department and asked about vigilante justice. He told me he was only aware of one incident that still remains unsolved, and it happened in the mid '60s.
A family of criminals moved into a nice neighborhood and began terrorizing the residents- break-ins, muggings, extortion, strong arm & armed robbery, child molestation, auto theft, vandalism, etc. (almost identical to my situation) The cops wouldn't or couldn't do anything, so after several years, the neighborhood got together to put an end to the situation. One night about 20 hooded men armed with guns, baseball bats, axes, & rebar pulled the criminals out of their house to the front yard and proceeded to beat them almost to death- from the parents down to the 8yr old girl, who was probably the worst.
(again, almost identical to my situation)
They then completely destroyed the house, all it's contents, and their car. They family was discovered by a power company employee the next day. They all had multiple broken bones, internal injuries, lacerations, etc. The only thing the cops got from them was they had been told that if they ever come back, they will be killed by the same slow beatings they had already endured. The case remains unsolved to this day.
Puts me in mind of this story:


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Wolfman I do have one question,,, Does anyone EVER question about your wolf being a service animal :rolleyes:


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Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
A few years back my wife and I were going to Sioux Falls and stopped in Skidmore, Mo to get gas (on purpose). I asked the gal at the register about McElroy and how it impacted the town. She told me his son was in jail at that time. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. I had read the book and it was kind of eerie driving into town knowing what he did to the people there.

A book about the story is "In Broad Daylight". https://www.amazon.com/Broad-Daylight-Harry-N-MacLean/dp/1482639874



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Jul 12, 2013
Central FL

Thanks for sharing your story, and for letting us be part of your pack!

-- Carl