Interested in purchasing a Kubota RTV-X 1140 UTV

Dead Ash

New member

L 35 T/L/B
Jul 15, 2023
I checked with the dealer and he only has new RTVX-1100C around $25K.

I spent today calling a lot of dealers checking used hoping to find one less. I did but not many, and some had many hours.

I am leaning towards the Boss V plow and will try to install it myself. Fingers crossed. I am not adverse to DIY but the dealers cost to install sounds like and all day event so I'm planning on about two days for me.

And yes I am hoping to use it a lot during summer for hauling firewood, mulch etc.

I really like ItBeMine's setup in post #35. That is what I am hoping have. and then I should be set for the rest of my years clearing snow.

PaulL #29 I currently us the back blade on my tractor, but try not to get too close to things that are expensive. like the garage door and house. I already had to buy a new garage door for my sons house when I was backing in and miss judged the 12 foot 2x4s hanging out the back of my pick up bed. Yeah that could have been an olympic event....synchronized @#$%^%%$#@&*()(*&^%$#ing.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
curious... starting price in Canada is $34,000+ !!! or yeah, 13% taxes on that..

if it's a 2 seater version, would you add 'jump seats' in the dump box ??
Have never run a V-plow, seems complicated ( aka $$$$ ) for pushing white....