Don't have a firm date, but it better be pretty soon....
I'm at the top-end of the management of the company.
Given my tenure, I'm always the "go-to" for any issues/problems/decisions, whether it relates to my responsibilities or not.
Getting old, as am I.....
Really it's been made for me for my own sanity/wellness:
- Work 51 or 52 weeks/year - check - last day off July 2023 - been that way for 20+ years. If I were a Union position, I'd have 6 weeks off, plus sick leave.
- Dislike going to work every day - check - See #1
- Burned out - check - See #1, #2, and #5
- 37 year tenure - check
- Intolerance of inexperience/inept - check - See #4
- Good Retirement - check - See #4 - about 70% of current salary. Less depending on spousal benefits after I'm gone.
- Post-retirement Health Care cost - $0
- Debt - $0
- House projects done - check - bought & paid for
- Some $$ in the bank - check - see #9 - not as much as I'd like, but would get us by a while without retirement income
#3 and #5 are really getting evident in my daily activities. I'm not a lot of fun to be around at times.
Not fair to my subordinates or my other co-workers.
I worked as a farm kid. I worked full time as a high school kid in the bar/restaurant business, often 60-100 hours a week. Violated the Hell of Labor Laws, but I needed the $$.
Same followed as a college kid. I had to pay the Fare...
think KNOW it's time....