I'm not sure it's "hate" ... But, just 'different" than most others ... I like my dual side by side pedals on my Massey Ferguson. (As that's what I'm use to, don't like change!)
Back in the beginning of 2022 I started my search for a tractor, was looking for a big CUT or small Utility ... With a backhoe ... Nothing to be found in my area ... Ended up being a choice between the little BX23 and the Massey Ferguson I ended up buying, while I had never used a treadle pedal, it didn't seem like it would fit me, but lots of people used and liked them, including my uncle, brother, and nephew, who all owned different ones, so I didn't rule them out ... My local dealer was "difficult" to deal with, an hour away, the MF dealer was friendly, helpful and 6 miles away, and the MF had much more capabilities, so I bought it ...
I never thought I'd like the hydrostatic transmission, but in the last less than three years I've grown to love it over the 565 hours I've put on it!
My next tractor though will be a gear drive transmission Utility Tractor, while keeping my Little Baby Overgrown Lawnmower TLB!
ETA - I can't recall once hitting the wrong pedal, forgetting to take it out of neutral and selecting a range, yes!

Nor have I ever confused the three pedals on the truck ...