How big a generator do I need to run a Lincoln 220 stick welder.


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Ko Buddha
Oct 23, 2021
NW Michigan
Only $250,000 to get the grid to us. And that was 10 years ago. In comparison, solar and generators are cheap. But if you have power poles around this doesn't seem to be much of a discussion to me.

BTW, has the OP responded? Bwah-hah.
The OP is taking it all in.

I have even found a good used 15kw Generac portable generator.
But the above comments about a suitable generator, even though the math works, the welder might not.

I might need to ask another electrician.


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MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
nice..THEY installed poles for free !!!!
Where I live , have to pay for EVERYTHING...
1 new pole, reroute 200a service wires was $7500, 5 years ago
to move one pole,roadside , 10m ( =-30 ft) was $11K this summer.
Most places I have lived if there is power along the road adjacent to the land, the power companies will provide meter service to a new service box.


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K1600GTL, ZX-14R
Jun 11, 2018
I am firmly in camp "run the conductor about 5' above ground using garden stakes to support it".

This will make driving teh BX23S "LawnMaster" more of an interesting challenge.
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Most places I have lived if there is power along the road adjacent to the land, the power companies will provide meter service to a new service box.
nice, but things are a LOT different up here, north of the 49th ! I'm less than an hour from Niagara Falls, tied to Ontario Hydro, and pay MORE than if in the city.....


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M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
Most places I have lived if there is power along the road adjacent to the land, the power companies will provide meter service to a new service box.
Not in my area. That was a thing of the past. They will put in the service no problem if it’s the only service. My area hydro is no longer allowing people to have multiple meters to the same property. Rental properties could be an exception plus a few others. Definitely don’t have enough info on the situation. Like how far he needs to run power lines. What your area bylaws and building codes are. I was 2500cad per pole to install about 6 years ago. If you’re wanting to use the welder regularly I’d run hydro.


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Orange: B7100 Std and Woodmizer; Green/yellow JD Buck, Gator and 410j.
Apr 26, 2016
Wahkiacus, Washington
" My area hydro is no longer allowing people to have multiple meters to the same property. "

If you’re wanting to use the welder regularly I’d run hydro.
Can you explain this further?


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Orange: B7100 Std and Woodmizer; Green/yellow JD Buck, Gator and 410j.
Apr 26, 2016
Wahkiacus, Washington
hydro = electricity supplier in Ontario Canada

Multiple meters to one property happens frequently in my area and I'm under HydroOne, who is your utility that is telling you no?
Our supplier is me. We have no utilities for miles. I was just curious about the 'hydro' part. We're an hour from The Dalles dam. For those that have a connection the power is the resource to be proud about.


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Clevus, how far is it from your house where the electricity is currently to the shop where you want to have electricity? Is there obstacles in the way as far as digging? Around here, you can buy used welder/generator setups on Marketplace starting at $600 on up. Many good ones in the $1500 range.


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M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
Ya sorry we are also hydroOne. I’m not saying multiple meters can’t be done just that my area won’t do it anymore under improvement or upgrades. I should mention I’m not residential property.

I was putting a septic system in a campground that was already pretty much running at max capacity for power. Hydro poles come all the way down my 500ft driveway and I’m metered at the end of them about 60ft from the panel inside my building. The septic I installed was another 700 feet back on the property. When planning my electrician informed me that hydroOne was likely not going to allow me to run additional high voltage lines on my property and then run a second meter. He told me that they are trying to get away from this as they would be responsible for the maintenance on those high voltage lines on my property. He had been denied for other jobs in the past. Instead they would likely have to install some kinda grounded power station and upgrade my existing box panels. ( sorry i don’t remember the exact parts or system I’m no election) He told me that it would probably add 40ish thousand to the job just for the pole hardware and stuff. F it let’s try this he said. We ended up applying to run the 700 feet underground to a pad mount transformer and then to a second meter supplying power to the septic. Ended up needing 48inches deep trench minimum as it is run under a gravel camp road. Could have gone less if I wanted to put a 700’ pad down the road lol. On other job applications my electrician was not approved to do this however they were more to upgrade and add new sites to their parks. We tried applying for mine a little different making sure to emphasize it was for maintenance purposes and not an UPGRADE. It worked but I’ve since had several people including a guy from HydroOne ask how did I get this approved and I’m probably the last park to get this in my area. No clue if this is true just what I’ve been told. Even my electrician was surprised and we broke ground and installed asap just in case.
Just thought I’d put it out there. I totally understand it’s not installing a 220 for a welder in my shop and residential is a totally different game.
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North Idaho Wolfman

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We ended up applying to run the 700 feet underground to a pad mount transformer and then to a second meter supplying power to the septic.
You crazy Canadians, electrifying your poo, what will you think of next! :poop::poop::poop:

Yea I know what you meant, it was just funny to read.


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Ontario Hydro has no say in what you do AFTER their meter, assuming it's a standard 240 volt drop. You can run wires, here ,there everywhere, have several meters and sub panels... all 'signed off' by a licensed electrician of course.
When you say 'high voltage', do you mean 240 or 4800.
if 4800 , I know one guy who installed the bunker transformer with 3 240 feeds, only ONE has the meter on it.


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M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
Ontario Hydro has no say in what you do AFTER their meter, assuming it's a standard 240 volt drop. You can run wires, here ,there everywhere, have several meters and sub panels... all 'signed off' by a licensed electrician of course.
When you say 'high voltage', do you mean 240 or 4800.
if 4800 , I know one guy who installed the bunker transformer with 3 240 feeds, only ONE has the meter on it.
Ya I am talking about adding a second meter from the main hydro line not adding a second meter after a first meter. The only way I was getting more power was to add a new line. I understand after the meter has nothing to do with hydroOne. And by hi voltage I was talking about the power line that run down the streets before your meter. If I had an electrician that was willing to work on a HydroOne owned transformer I’d find a new electrician. He is playing with fire. Again I’m looking at it from my non residential view. The campground supplies 30amp to all the sites plus a store and two cottages and my residence. So when we were installing new septic we had to bring in more power from the street. Easy way was the way I said. Once I paid to installed the high voltage line to the transformer and did the work HydroOne puts the meter on and then is also responsible for those lines. I do not own them or anything before the meter. This is one reason I was told hydro no longer like to do this as they are now responsible for that line. Had I have tried to put poles instead of underground I’m sure it would have been denied. Maybe in Greensville you guys can do something different but this is how it worked for me on the Bruce Peninsula. We do get screwed pretty good so I wouldn’t doubt it.


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
HydroOne could have run a new 200 amp service to you with a second meter. As a commercial operation ,this is done all the time. Guy south of me did this last summer. he actually listened to me and put TWO conduits in the ditches I dug for him, 200A feed in one, other is for future use if needed. If a second/third client rents part of the building and needs power, it'll be easy to fish.

BTW the 'high voltage' you talk about is probably just 240 volt, off the transformer on the pole ?

Around here, some new builds require 400 amp service ! 200 for the house, 100 x 2 for the EV chargers.
Solar installs have a 2nd meter to record outgoing power to grid.


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Clevus is in Michigan. I doubt he/she gives a :poop: what the POCO rules andcregulations are in Canada.

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John T

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2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
So, when I bought my house, I didn’t get the shop I wanted.
I am now thinking a generator would might make more sense for those occasional welding tasks, than paying an electrician to pull wire out to the shop.

The welder is a run of the mill Lincoln 220.
View attachment 143378
I would look for a used Bobcat/trailblazer or if you like Red, A lincoln Ranger...
all good machines and portable. build a sled and throw it in the truck or put it on a wagon and drag it wherever you want.
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John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
another thought...
By the time you buy a 12-15k generator for that little buzzbox you could have bought an engine drive welder.

AC-225 is a good starter machine but at the end of the day, it's a cheap buzz box.

sell it for $150.00 and put the cash towards something else.
my $0.02
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
My 'cheap' AC225 was $250 back in 1987, less than the cost for a guy to weld up a flat deck for my F100. Since then have built 20+ trailer, countless repairs to farm stuff, countless rider mower decks repaired. Big or small, it does it all. The ONLY cost in 30+ years has been to replace the AMPS switch ( $50) , about 10 years ago.
So it has been 'cheap'... ,er, economical, a GREAT buy....
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M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
Clevus is in Michigan. I doubt he/she gives a :poop: what the POCO rules andcregulations are in Canada.
I wasn’t really saying he or she needs to give a 💩 about our regs but just that it isn’t always as easy to just add another line and meter from the main line as suggested. I’ll let the fine folks from Michigan or experts on this site help them out sorry I commented.

Your free to think what ya want greensville but I did the work along side my electrician and the work for HydroOne. As I said it’s not 240v that is feeding my pad mount transformer. To me that is not even high voltage. No clue what the feeder lines carry down the road in my area but it ain’t no 240v that I do know. Also you’re talking about rental properties and that’s not the same situation I was in. I Just wanted to add an issue I had in the past adding additional power to my property. I wasn’t trying to take post over or anything. I won’t say any more about it sorry.