Apparently you and I are in the same position. I asked the same question a few weeks back. there were several ideas for re-purposing items but, as you note were kind of lacking in "pretty." I was even offered a wonderful deal on a used take-off. with the shipping added from PA. i think it was about what I could buy a new one from the dealer for.
I just installed a new ROPS at the same time I rebuilt my steering gear. So, as soon as I find a reliable source for Aluminum sheet stock i'll just pull out my 5ft sheet metal brake and make one. I really wanted a "orange" fiberglass one but a polished alum diamond steptread one will have to do. After I anneal the edges I think i'll put a edge on the sides that's "J" shaped. it'll help with rigidity and water control for those sudden downpours. bolt in a few stiffeners, "U" shaped pieces running front to back, or maybe "W"'s instead to save on bumping the head on something kinda sharp. I still haven't figured out the u-bolt arrangement yet for attaching to the ROPS. Maybe bolt through the stiffeners.
Still thinking on it.... kytim