I know this is an old thread but it is still helpful. I am replacing a head gasket and, like the OP, am confused about the O-ring on the head gasket.
I sent my head and block to a machine shop and they stripped the old head gasket so I don't have the original O-ring to compare and replace.
In the pictures it looks like there is a washer or small gasket under the O-ring. Is that right? I wish I would have taken some better pictures of mine before shipping it off. Here's what I have.
See the post on the upper left of the picture? Is that a washer or gasket of some kind held on by an O-ring? The WSM only refers to an O-ring on the "pipe pin."
Here are the WSM instructions:
Replace the cylinder head gasket with a new one.
• Securely fit the O-ring (3) to the pipe pin.
• Tighten the cylinder head screws after applying sufficient oil.
• Tighten the cylinder head screws in order of (a) to (n or j).
• Tighten them uniformly, or the head may deform in the long run.
• Retighten the cylinder head screws after running the engine for
30 minutes.
So, do I need to go to a dealer (30 minutes) to get this O-ring? If I use one from my O-ring assortment, should I just select one that snugs to the pipe pin?
Thanks for any help!