I agree on the CC permit, with exceptions. With a driver's license, you have to pass a written and practical exam before getting a driver's license.
Granted each state has a minimum requirement for the written and driver's test. Each state may vary a little bit on the driving test, but the basics are there.
Each state has different requirements for a CC permit. Some states don't require one.
I'm for CC permits being recognized across all states. But each state has to adopt a minimum agreed upon standard. Arkansas requires a state and federal back ground checks as well as a 6hr CC course that covers basic gun laws, shooting safety and fire arm safety, as well as range time to prove you can hit your intended target.
This same course and background check are required to renew your CC permit as well every 5 years.
Arkansas CC permit is one of the most widely recognized and accepted CC permits by other states due to the requirements.
Arkansas also has a policy. If you don't recognize and accept our state CC permit, we won't accept yours.
Arkansas does not accept a few states CC permits that do accept ours, but it's due to that states more lenient requirements or lack of a back ground check before issuing.
With growing up and spending 22 years in Vermont, I can say that I have traveled through New York with a vehicle full of guns on multiple occasions.

New Yorks policy for the most part is guilty until proven innocent if found with unlicensed (with the state of NY) guns in your vehicle.
If transporting through the state, make it obvious that they are just being transported. Keep them locked up in cases. Ammo locked in separate cases. And keep them in the trunk, or behind the seat if in a regular cab pick up. If a pistol is found unsecured in easy reach, you will go to jail. Any federal transportation argument goes out the window and is invalid at that point. And for God sakes, stay away from the I95 corridor and away from NY city when traveling through NY. You pass through too many states with similar veiw points as NY.