Guns...Times have changed...


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Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
there are several proposals on the table.

So out of those, which one(s) are going to take firearms away from criminals, and which ones are going to take them away from those who are not criminals?


Well-known member

MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
I do think that firearms purchase age should be 21, the same as for liquor. Otherwise, let’s just let 18 year olds buy liquor.


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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
I do think that firearms purchase age should be 21, the same as for liquor. Otherwise, let’s just let 18 year olds buy liquor.
'Federal' Law already requires the age to be 21 (or older) for purchase of handgun (from a licensed dealer). So that just leaves long guns. At 18 a person is legally considered an adult. At 18 many males and females are out of the home. Why should they (law abiding citizens) not be able to protect themselves (until age 21), engage in lawful hunting or sporting events because a handful of lunatics have misused firearms?

We don't need more gun laws. We need to raise better kids and address mental illness!

Raising the age limit to 21 will do NOTHING to stop shooting or misuse of firearms.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a societal problem.
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Well-known member

MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
'Federal' Law already requires the age to be 21 (or older) for purchase of handgun (from a licensed dealer). So that just leaves long guns. At 18 a person is legally considered an adult. At 18 many males and females are out the home. Why should they (law abiding citizens) not be able to protect themselves (until age 21), engage in lawful hunting or sporting events because a handful of lunatics have misused firearms?

We don't need more gun laws. We need to raise better kids and address mental illness!

Raising the age limit to 21 will do NOTHING to stop shooting or misuse of firearms.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a societal problem.
So, someone can buy a rifle but not a beer at age 18? Yeah, makes sense. Most of the school shooters are less than age 21. I was hunting at age 12, but my dad bought the guns and we went hunting together.
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
I do think that firearms purchase age should be 21, the same as for liquor. Otherwise, let’s just let 18 year olds buy liquor.
If we can't trust an 18 y/o with buying liquor or buying a firearm, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote, decided to get married, enter legally binding contracts, etc. till whatever age they can be trusted. At the same time, if we aren't going to treat them as adults then they deserve none of the adult rights until such age it is determined that they are an adult.
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Ko Buddha
Oct 23, 2021
NW Michigan
This has been the foundation of our government for 240 years. The founders had just liberated the colonies from an oppressive government with a far superior military.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are—

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
instead of raising the age to buy a gun, we should raise better kids.
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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
What else should we raise the age on? Drugs? Alcohol? Human trafficking? Birth control (including abortions)? Kids have access to way more dangerous things for free before high school. Think any of those cant be had inside a public school? 🤔
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Premium Member

May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
So, someone can buy a rifle but not a beer at age 18? Yeah, makes sense. Most of the school shooters are less than age 21. I was hunting at age 12, but my dad bought the guns and we went hunting together.
If you are concerned that an 18 yr. old can not buy beer then petition the populace to contact their legislators and change that law. Or would it better to 'ban' beer altogether since some over indulge or misuse alcohol?

And show me a town where an 18 yr. old can't manage to get beer for a party on Friday night! Hell....I'm 68 and it was no problem when I was a teen, isn't a problem now. Illegal then as now, yes.

So yeah, lets pass another 'feel good law' that will do NOTHING to prevent the misuse of a firearm by a criminal or mentally ill person. That makes 'sense' I guess!

I am glad you got to go hunting with your Dad. Now suppose some legislation had banned or restricted the use of the firearm you had at that time. Depriving you, your Father and other law abiding, responsible gun owners from enjoying your outings simply because some sicko had misused one.

How about we require a person to be trained, licensed and registered before possessing or using anything with a cutting edge. Or for that matter your hands and feet. Both account for many more deaths each year than long arms.

NO....! The answer is not more gun control. The answer is raising responsible children into adulthood and recognizing (and quickly addressing) mental illness or dangerous/abnormal behavior.

Kids are steeped in violent movies and video games. A significant portion of children are on anti-depressants and other drugs (besides the illegal ones they take). All of this has the effect of desensitizing one.

We have an increasingly secular society. Broken homes and kids with little supervision. Children left to entertain themselves with mindless video games and an addiction to social media. The youth today can't get their damn heads out of their cell phones long enough to see the world around them. Let alone associate with and have compassion and respect for others.
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K1600GTL, ZX-14R
Jun 11, 2018
Are Selective Service cards still being mailed out to 18yo males from the federal government?


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Are Selective Service cards still being mailed out to 18yo males from the federal government?
Don’t know if they mail them, but seems like my son had to register at 18. He’s 23 now so it’s been a while.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
That reminds me of a protest years ago in Bristol Vermont. They were protesting the war in Iraq. Neighbor had a brother stationed over there at the time.

He made himself up a sign and positioned himself across the street from the protest.

His sign said "Protesting the Protest!!!!" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
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Well-known member

MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
If we can't trust an 18 y/o with buying liquor or buying a firearm, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote, decided to get married, enter legally binding contracts, etc. till whatever age they can be trusted. At the same time, if we aren't going to treat them as adults then they deserve none of the adult rights until such age it is determined that they are an adult.
I agree wholeheartedly that there should be one legal age for adulthood. It should be standardized in the US. IMHO it should be 21.
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B6200, Kubota 2030 Front Blade, King Cutter 60" finishing deck
Jan 11, 2022
Gallatin, NY USA
I agree wholeheartedly that there should be one legal age for adulthood. It should be standardized in the US. IMHO it should be 21.
So you can die and kill for your country in a far off land but not be considered an adult.
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