Guns...Times have changed...


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Nov 24, 2020
a. First and foremost. I am NOT anti gun !

I believe the NRA has been subverted from a gun and hunters rights group to a way too political organization. Hunter education seems to be old fashion idea. Self defense and shoot first has taken over.

The 2nd is outdated. It is being used by groups to hide behind. Should be modified but not eliminated.

First person shooter games and paintball games have people thinking there is a reset in life. Seeing your buddy get hit with a paintball on Saturday and back at work on Monday is far cry from reality.

Urban shootings and mass murder are things I do not understand.

b. I am a pacifist (now). If I point the barrel at a human the safety will be off and their will be no warning shot. But only after every other option has been addressed, including running like hell.

My uncle never talked about landing at D-day.
The old man never talked about Korea.

My family taught me to hunt, my government taught me to kill.
My daughter was not allowing my grandson to have a toy gun. I laughed at her.
About a year later, he had a toy gun and was playing with it. I asked her what happened?
She said, "he's a boy. If he doesn't have a gun he'll pick up a stick and pretend it's one"

You might say I was a pacifist when I was younger.
I learned the hard way, "if you don't want to get eaten, don't act like food!"
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Looks like it's pulling a bit to the left. Just kidding nice grouping and gun!
:LOL: Thanks! I have some higher end optics that allow me to fine tune the zero, but the Vortex shown does not. You're basically stuck with 0.1 milrad resolution (adjustments) which is about 0.36" at 100 yards.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
My daughter was not allowing my grandson to have a toy gun. I laughed at her.
About a year later, he had a toy gun and was playing with it. I asked her what happened?
She said, "he's a boy. If he doesn't have a gun he'll pick up a stick and pretend it's one"

You might say I was a pacifist when I was younger.
I learned the hard way, "if you don't want to get eaten, don't act like food!"
My neices ex husband was a severe anti-gun nut. To the point he would punish my nephew (her son) if he had a water pistol or other toy gun.

At the beginning of the pandemic I saw him in the sporting goods store buying the biggest pistol and ammo he could find.

Wife had to drag me out of the store. I was about to whoop him right there on the spot for how his hypocritical a$$ treated my nephew for having a water pistol.
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Ko Buddha
Oct 23, 2021
NW Michigan
My daughter was not allowing my grandson to have a toy gun. I laughed at her.
About a year later, he had a toy gun and was playing with it. I asked her what happened?
She said, "he's a boy. If he doesn't have a gun he'll pick up a stick and pretend it's one"

You might say I was a pacifist when I was younger.
I learned the hard way, "if you don't want to get eaten, don't act like food!"
My son was not allowed to have any toy guns that looked like real guns.
Any time he wanted he could handle, hold and fondle any gun I had, after me clearing it.
Any time he wanted to go shooting, we would go shooting.

As a consequence of rule number one, he made me trace my guns on wood and cut them out. It wasn’t long before all the kids were sporting my wooden guns.
good times.!
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
...? Who said ARs are scary and guns are bad? Guns in the hands of unstable people is what's bad hence the need to restrict the ability to purchase. Go back to trying to overthrow the government from your computer chair.
I dont have a computer chair. I have a lazyboy.


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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
My neices ex husband was a severe anti-gun nut. To the point he would punish my nephew (her son) if he had a water pistol or other toy gun.

At the beginning of the pandemic I saw him in the sporting goods store buying the biggest pistol and ammo he could find.

Wife had to drag me out of the store. I was about to whoop him right there on the spot for how his hypocritical a$$ treated my nephew for having a water pistol.
You should have kicked his a$$. These are the kind of people that never got spankings so they definatly are ready for some
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2022 Kubota L4060 Polaris Rangerxp800 Ford 3400
Feb 16, 2022
You should have kicked his a$$. These are the kind of people that never got spankings, so they defiantly are ready for some
I think everyone here get the real point. Guns are imamate objects. The brain of the person holding the gun is the story.
The OP point was well taken by me. In those days people's fathers, grandfather's taught them to respect the gun. Respect your game, learn to shoot don't wound anything. Never point a gun at anyone EVER.
So you would have 2 guys at a bar duking it out, both with rifles in their pickups and neither would even think of that.
Fact of life is you cant unkill someone you shoot in anger. I am really disappointed in this latest case people are blowing off how this kid at 18 was so pissed off. Read his coworkers called him school shooter because of his behavior. Just like the cops that sat outside during his rampage no one did squat to prevent this. Now the issue is the gun. Our politicians and media sure does a great job of stoking that flame.

Sad all around.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Just realized other day…because of this thread, that I have to “re-certify” with NYS Troopers for my handguns 12/2022. Has to be done every 4 or 5 years.

Don’t agree with it, but I comply.

Been a grandfathered CC permit holder since 1985.
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Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Just realized other day…because of this thread, that I have to “re-certify” with NYS Troopers for my handguns 12/2022. Has to be done every 4 or 5 years.

Don’t agree with it, but I comply.

Been a grandfathered CC permit holder since 1985.
Don't want to lose it or good luck getting another one reissued.

I got to get around to redoing mine at some point 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
Just realized other day…because of this thread, that I have to “re-certify” with NYS Troopers for my handguns 12/2022. Has to be done every 4 or 5 years.

Don’t agree with it, but I comply.

Been a grandfathered CC permit holder since 1985.
Alabama signed into law earlier this year, allowing conceal carry without a permit. It goes into effect January 1, 2023. The law enforcement groups that make money from the permits were not happy and opposed it every time the bill was introduced. We never had had certification courses here...except may hunter's certification, but I was exempt due to age when it was introduced.


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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
:LOL: Thanks! I have some higher end optics that allow me to fine tune the zero, but the Vortex shown does not. You're basically stuck with 0.1 milrad resolution (adjustments) which is about 0.36" at 100 yards.
:LOL: Thanks! I have some higher end optics that allow me to fine tune the zero, but the Vortex shown does not. You're basically stuck with 0.1 milrad resolution (adjustments) which is about 0.36" at 100 yards.
Must be the Coriolis effect 😉. (Just kidding it’s Avery nice group…that’s what me and my buddies always claim in jest). 🥃
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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
MCMXI inspired me from his rifle pic and nice group showing how ARs can be accurate. I had some pics on my PC of a group I shot a while back with one of my ARs. That's my best group. although I have had some close to that. (Pesky flyers) I put it together a good while back from parts, mostly Palmetto State Armory upper and lower receiver, with their stock and parts kit, and a Geissele match trigger. The barrel is a DPMS 20" heavy barrel with DPMS handguard. I never thought I would care for ARs until I realized their modularity.

DPMS 20 inch Hornady 50 V-Max 105 yards.jpg
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Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Alabama signed into law earlier this year, allowing conceal carry without a permit. It goes into effect January 1, 2023. The law enforcement groups that make money from the permits were not happy and opposed it every time the bill was introduced. We never had had certification courses here...except may hunter's certification, but I was exempt due to age when it was introduced.
No permits then you would only be allowed to conceal carry in your state. Arkansas conceal carry permit is one of the most widely recognized and accepted do to the course and background checks. Arkansas has a policy as well. If you don't accept our cc permit, then we won't accept yours.

Although there are a few states that accept our cc permit where we don't accept that states. The reasoning was do to lack of testing or back ground checks before being issued that states permit.


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
No permits then you would only be allowed to conceal carry in your state. Arkansas conceal carry permit is one of the most widely recognized and accepted do to the course and background checks. Arkansas has a policy as well. If you don't accept our cc permit, then we won't accept yours.

Although there are a few states that accept our cc permit where we don't accept that states. The reasoning was do to lack of testing or back ground checks before being issued that states permit.
Well, I am pretty sure you can still go get a permit for reciprocity. But, if you are just planning to carry in-state and nowhere else, than it is not necessary.

Also, you can use your conceal carry permit for gun purchases instead of the NICS system here. So, that is another benefit of maintaining a permit.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Well, I am pretty sure you can still go get a permit for reciprocity. But, if you are just planning to carry in-state and nowhere else, than it is not necessary.

Also, you can use your conceal carry permit for gun purchases instead of the NICS system here. So, that is another benefit of maintaining a permit.
Same here. Streamlines the process. They just fill out the paperwork and hit submit without having to phone in for a background check.


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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
And that takes more time. This line of tit for tat is getting old. I don’t own any firearm with high capacity magazines and have no use for them. I’m tired of this discussion.

Yes, folks tend to 'tire' quickly when their 'logic' doesn't stand up to testing.

Even a bumbling neophyte can do a magazine change in 3 seconds....and that would be slow. The laws enacted indeed only affect the law abiding and were/are feel good attempts to placate the ignorant.

And IF a person is bent on killing as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time, do you think they are going to limit themselves to 10 round magazines? Of course not. They are going to have standard 30 round least. They are criminals after all. Sheeesh........

Mass shootings have their roots in mental instability, that is the issue that needs to be addressed.
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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
I could remember being about 13 years old. Me and my cousin would have rifles slung over the shoulder walking down the sidewalk in the city on our way down to the river to shoot rats and no one gave you a second look! Times have changed!
Same thing here. My older brother (12 at the time) and me (10 yrs, old) either walked or rode our bikes down to the river to shoot at sticks, etc. You could buy .22 LR shells at any gas station. No one gave us a second look or thought. We were responsible and safety conscious. (This was mid 60's).

In high school (Austin, Texas), hardly a small town... in the early 70's and beyond it was common place to see rifles or shotguns in the windows of pickup trucks. You could bring a firearm into school (by permission) for show and tell. No one was shooting any one.

IF there was a fight at was settled with fists and then it was OVER. Times have certainly changed and not for the better in many ways.
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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
What is a "high capacity" magazine? Do they only work in a "high power" rifle? And if we are restricted to only use low capacity magazines, will they work only in low power rifles? :ROFLMAO: