Gun laws 101?


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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
Excellent answer Wolfman! Very simple, but how do I explain it when I get home?

like they said above... take the pins out & suddenly its just 2 sections/parts...

or use the "it looks lonely" defense.

to that first question you had?

several outfits out there giving a big push right now to get rid of their extra parts...

right now Daniels & PSA are really trying to move inventory.

PSA is getting a pretty bad rap right now in the gun community for using cheap cast parts where things are supposed to be forged.. so be careful there.

stay away from Blackthorne stuff unless you get it really cheap & are willing to go thru & check it all for blems & tolerances.

If you just want a complete upper? hand built & spec'd out for a good price? GMWilly at TwinCity Armament is about the best for the $ right now with lots of options... be sure to tell him sdk1968 recommended you to him.

450 bushmanster, 458 socom, 460rowlin & of course all the regular AR uppers are all on sale.

ive got less than $575 in my 450BM & thats complete!

LMAO but remember: i still think AK's are the better platform. :D


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
you are a bit north from me.... but do they honor open carry in your county?

& did you have to follow up with that paper saying you would no longer open carry once you had your CCW?
I did not have to sign anything that said I would not open carry once I had my CCW. I do open carry and side holster my 9 when working back in the woods when I know the coyotes are out and about.



2003 BX2200 - loader, mower, blower, grss collection system
Nov 22, 2014
Holden, MA
Massachusetts is, well Massachusetts.

you need a lawyer to do most things because you never can be sure whether it is legal or if it changed overnight. Sorry for you, if you didn't follow every law being passed, and no forgiveness for not knowing.

I'll try to get all of this right:
No "mean-looking" AR's of any kind....except for
-Pre 1994, just about all are okay as long as they are not fully-auto.
-Post 2004 through July 2016 are okay as long as they are not fully-auto, have no muzzle suppressor, foldable or collapsible stock, or bayonet lug (because we ALL know how many lives have been taken in mass-bayonetting incidents lately)
-No new AR's sold after July 2016, but person-to-person sales of previously MA registered AR's okay, and paperwork is done online.
-Mags up to 10 only, unless dated pre-1994, for any and all weapons including pistols.
-Mini-14, Mini-30, M1A, and the like...perfectly legal to by brand new from dealer. (Differences, anybody??)
-Pistols must pass rigorous (ie:expensive and useless) testing to be sold in the state of MA.
-Pre '94 pistols...almost anything sane goes.

Carrying is concealed with permit. Technically open with permit, but you WILL be deemed unfit by your police chief and have your right to carry revoked. FID for rifle, unloaded in cars and roadways. Pistols loaded on person in cars, unloaded and carried in locked, secure, case (ie: not glove compartment or console)if not in direct reach or control of owner.

Yes to carry in banks, churches, etc.., but no to post offices, courts, any/all federal buildings. I just spent an hour trying to firm up this last paragraph, but the laws are so convoluted that I am unsure of other places I can not carry by law. Rumored, no police stations, state buildings, and hospitals, but I believe these are not in the LAW. Federally managed parks are also off limits I guess.

Well, at least it will be confusing for a psycho to figure out where all the lambs are that are in no-gun areas. I can't figure it out. I'm going to Walmart, where I am safe!! :cool:

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I've noticed this is really only been responded to by US people, and one CA.
I think that most non US folks, are non gun owning, or are just very hesitant to even talk about the subject. ;)


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BX25, BX2750D, BX2760A, 5' back blade
Jan 9, 2017
Sudbury, ON, Canada
I've noticed this is really only been responded to by US people, and one CA.
I think that most non US folks, are non gun owning, or are just very hesitant to even talk about the subject. ;)
Wolfman, most non-US people stay away from any "gun" discussion because we don't want to get flamed by those at the other end of the spectrum...
As this non-US comedian says (his words, not mine), about 50% of US people agree with him, 20% maybe get the satire/comedy part, 20% just stare blankly at him, and about 10% would like to "shoot" (or deport) him...

This show was after the Sandy Hook shooting, and not much has changed since then, has it....

Most other countries, when they have some form of mass shooting (rare to start with...), they act and change the laws to address the issue. While it does not prevent future shooting, it always reduces the number of incidences. In the US, politicians just talk, and little or nothing is ever done.

Hence, most non-US people stay away from this type of discussion, it will never be resolved...


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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
stay away from this type of discussion, it will never be resolved...
more correct words have never been spoken.

there is absolutely ZERO about mass shootings that any "new" law is ever going to fix.

400,000,000 known firearms in the USA... at least another 100,000,000 undocumented....

so take 500,000,000 firearms for 310,000,000 people...

if another firearm NEVER got made or built? still wouldnt make any difference in availability when someone really wants one.

to the ridiculous notion of confiscation? its not even feasible in a population this large or country this vast.... that was created/founded by using firearms.


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BX25, BX2750D, BX2760A, 5' back blade
Jan 9, 2017
Sudbury, ON, Canada
SDK, no one is really talking confiscation, just "regulation". But yes, a country that is rooted in "gun culture" will always have to live (and die) with their culture until it is changed, somehow (for better or worse).
Regulating firearms is a lot easier then banning or confiscating them. Not perfect, nor absolute, but better than nothing. But, in the US, politicians don't even want to increase regulation. Hence you get what you asked for, the right to have so many guns that someone will eventually misuse them....
I'm done with this discussion for now, no point carrying on, because nothing will ever change in the USA, neither gun laws nor mass shootings, unfortunately....


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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
im all for regulation.

regulation that WORKS.

mental, age, review, training.... im in the gun business & most of us who are... are actually for gun "regulation".

its a common misconception that gun owners/sellers/retailers dont want "any" regulation or control. WE DO.

we want something that actually works & what we currently have is useless.

confiscation IS a real discussion here in the US...

the group on the anti gun side says thats the only way to "fix" the problem.



2003 BX2200 - loader, mower, blower, grss collection system
Nov 22, 2014
Holden, MA
confiscation IS a real discussion here in the US...

the group on the anti gun side says thats the only way to "fix" the problem.

With the mindset of many, it would not be a very good fix....more like a bloodbath.



2003 BX2200 - loader, mower, blower, grss collection system
Nov 22, 2014
Holden, MA
The talk lately has brought to my attention one point over and over... MANY people think an "Assault Rifle" means it is a fully auto weapon. Not a single person has been able to tell me what makes it an "assault rifle". Some will listen to me, others just close their ears. Statements that suggest no-one in the general public needs a gun that "shoots 30 bullets a second", make me believe that many against guns think that this is the case. I have educated many, and taken several shooting. All of the people (except for one, who enjoyed it but didn't think it was his thing) loved shooting. I explained that when fist diagnosed with cancer, and I went through that period of fear/anxiety or whatever it was, I would go to the range and stare through my scope for 10 or even 20 minutes. It was like focusing on something else finally, besides the damned C word. My wife would ask me how I shot, and I would laugh and say "Good, but I only pulled the trigger twice." Shooting, like many other sports, has so many health benefits if you look at it that way. With the rush of endorphins from all the booms and walking back and forth to the targets, who could leave the range stressed out? I usually feel calm and invigorated at the same time. I wonder if I could get my prescription plan to cover the cost of my ammo?? :cool:


Active member
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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
This kind of reminds me of talking about politics and religion, nobody wins and better of left alone. we all know guns don't kill people, crazy people kill people and we have more than our share of them. We've been preaching for years to people not to drink and drive yet hardly a day goes by we don't hear about someone killed by a drunk driver, some things in my option will never go away no matter what people say or do.

David Page

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1974 L260, 6" bush hog, subsoiler, spring tooth harrow, boom pole, 2 bottom plow
Jun 25, 2013
Dexter, ME
Things are selling fast in this neck of the woods.


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Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
During the "class", we were taught that if for instance a bad guy was to break into your house, and is armed, and you're in fear of your life, shoot him dead. Don't miss. They stress it actually, keeps them from suing you if they survive. There is protection within the law as well, but a worthless 2 bit lawyer will find a way to get around it somehow, or at least try to.

Can't buy AR's at wal-mart anymore. They liquidated them. I started to go get one but figured I have no use for it really. They were pulled off shelves around the time of Sandy Hook. Or was it Vegas? Doesn't matter really at least not to me.

Daren Todd hit the nails on the head for Arkansas. The attorney general is pretty good about standing up for hunter and firearm owners' rights. For now anyway. The liberal-thinking folks haven't fully infiltrated Arkansas-yet. Won't be long though. They're loud. I personally don't normally carry on me but I keep heat in a tool box drawer at work, and keep one in the console of the truck if I'm going to the city. You just never know. I never want to have to use either but I'm prepared if the need arises.


Well-known member
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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
I hope nobody ever comes through my locked door but if they do their time is up.