Gun laws 101?


Active member

May 23, 2017
Buffalo, Wyoming
Since you have already passed the background check there is no wait period for purchasing a handgun but the most important benefit is being able to carry in a reciprocal state. We go to the surrounding states so it is good to be lawful when traveling.


New member

1993 kubota b2150hsd, fel, back hoe, log spliter
Aug 11, 2016
olsarge and others,

A couple examples in AZ-

The CCW allows drop off and pick-up of kids on school grounds while armed but, the firearm must remain concealed to avoid panic or a lock-down situation. It also allows carry into school zones if the firearm is left inside the vehicle in a locked case, in the trunk if the vehicle has one, before entering the school building. The law specifically points out the issue of being seen locking your firearm up by a non-gunnie and what might transpire after that. It urges "discretion" on how that is done. Never heard of an issue.

A CCW permit also puts you in the DMV database so that if you are stopped by a officer, he immediately knows you have passed an FBI background check for wants and warrants and local offenses. Today, that does wonders lowering stress levels for officers who are getting shot almost daily on simple traffic stops. Knowing that CCW carriers can also legally offer back-up fire for an officer under fire, the officers on the street consider us "allies" in the crime battle. A recent case saw an officer being shot by a criminal on I-10 at night. The armed citizen shot the assailant dead and was heralded by local police and news folks. The officer survived.

Whether you have a CCW or not, in AZ, you are not required to notify the officer you are armed unless he specifically asks.

Arizona Revised Statutes limits the use of deadly force. Protection of property is not allowed in AZ. But a couple of the authorizations are quite thoughtful:

13-411. Justification; use of force in crime prevention; applicability

A. A person is justified in threatening or using both physical force and deadly physical force against another if and to the extent the person reasonably believes that physical force or deadly physical force is immediately necessary to prevent the other's commission of arson of an occupied structure under section 13-1704, burglary in the second or first degree under section 13-1507 or 13-1508, kidnapping under section 13-1304, manslaughter under section 13-1103, second or first degree murder under section 13-1104 or 13-1105, sexual conduct with a minor under section 13-1405, sexual assault under section 13-1406, child molestation under section 13-1410, armed robbery under section 13-1904 or aggravated assault under section 13-1204, subsection A, paragraphs 1 and 2.

B. There is no duty to retreat before threatening or using physical force or deadly physical force justified by subsection A of this section.

C. A person is presumed to be acting reasonably for the purposes of this section if the person is acting to prevent what the person reasonably believes is the imminent or actual commission of any of the offenses listed in subsection A of this section.

D. This section includes the use or threatened use of physical force or deadly physical force in a person's home, residence, place of business, land the person owns or leases, conveyance of any kind, or any other place in this state where a person has a right to be.

Under the robbery clause, if the felon is running away with your prized toaster, he is deemed NOT a threat and any rounds fired his way are illegal. Only those fired as he is in active commission are deemed justified, i.e. entering your home or inside it.

AZ now allows telling someone threatening you that you are armed. You are likewise allowed to "present" the weapon under the above threats as a show of force. (Most states call this "brandishing" a firearm and its a misdemeanor in most states.)

Also, AZ passed a nifty law that says, if someone is committing one of the above felonies and you injure or kill them, they, or their survivors, are prohibited from suing you in civil court. Essentially, you do the crime and you waive all rights to sue anyone who shoots you. This cuts down greatly on nuisance civil suits by people or survivors who want to make the honest citizen pay for defending themselves or others by simply by exercising their rights under the law.
We have similar laws in Colorado, simply known as the *make my day law*



L3901HST w/FEL, 3rd fnct. BH77 BH, 5' Bushhog, 6' BBL, 42" Forks, WoodMaxx WM-8H
Apr 19, 2017
South Central VT.
Vermont is one of the safest states per capita and has some of the most lenient firearm laws, virtually NONE…

In Vermont there is no permit required or issued for open or CC, all legal persons can open or CC or purchase any firearm within Federal guidelines. Any legal person from any state can open or CC in Vermont.

There are State and Federal hunting regulations that limit firearm type and capacity depending on the game being hunted i.e.; no rifles for turkey hunting and specific shot size required, plugged shotguns for waterfowl.

You cannot have a loaded (in the chamber or magazine unless detachable) rifle, shotgun or smoke pole in or on any motor vehicle, loaded handguns are legal in motor vehicles.

There are limits on where you can carry a firearm, such as school, courthouses, state and federal buildings etc.

My disclaimer: This is basic info only, please check all state laws, rules and regulations before exercising your 2nd amendment rights in Vermont, in today climate things may be a bit fluid.

Additionally Vermont’s State constitution states: Article 16. [Right to bear arms; standing armies; military power subordinate to civil That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the State--and as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power.


Active member

Jun 17, 2014
Here in Missouri we are open carry., concealed with a permit.
In 2017 the permit was not required to open carry. The permit comes in handy in the reciprocal states. No waiting period here for pistols or long guns. Few restrictions in most locations. Visited a couple of malls with my wife a few weeks ago. Plenty of no smoking signs but didn't see any no guns allowed signs.
When I first moved here there were a few of the no gun signs but it seems like they have nearly disappeared. Needless to say everyone is armed here and there is little crime. Most of the issue is in the summer in the Branson area where it's 90% tourists, many of them classless jackasses.
The local sheriff is all for citizens arming themselves, both at home and CCW. Good guy. I did move here from northern Illinois though so just about anything would be better than that.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Thread Creep: Gun story...

My high school buddy comes out to AZ for a visit. In college when we were room mates, I was the short haired ROTC guy and he was the long haired pot-smoking hippy (who just happens to have a measured IQ of 175).

The day after he arrives, we hit the road for some sightseeing craziness. Before we leave the house, I hand Rich my LCP pocket pistol in an Uncle Mike's #2 pocket holster. He has only touched a loaded gun once before in his life. I tell him to just put it in his pocket and leave it.

We hit the road to Sedona for a jeep tour. On the way, we are grabbing to-go food at McDonalds and he realizes he has A LOADED GUN IN HIS POCKET in McDonalds!!!! I ask him afterwards, "Did you rob the place or shoot it up?" and he laughs. We haul ass and spend the morning riding a jeep up red rock walls. Then, we warp back to town where he has to take care of a bank issue at our local bank. Because he is not a local, there is a minor hassle while we get his bank to verify stuff. All this could easily have been taken care of by his wife in Atlanta but, no biggee. We visit.

After fifteen minutes, Rich is frustrated that we had to waste time doing his "bidness" and I jokingly mention to him, "Don't wave that gun in your pocket around to speed things up..." His face says pure astonishment! He completely forgotten he has been concealing a firearm all day! And nobody has been killed! He laughs. Its a life-changing day for him.

The next day, my daughter meets us at the Ben Avery shooting complex. We start Rich out with a 22 Ruger pistol. Then, the silly LCP "belly gun" he carried the day before. Then a 9mm and a .40 cal pistol. Then, we jump to the 10-22 Ruger rifle, which is kind of a letdown. The 556 is more fun and for the finale, we break out the Remington 870 pump shotgun we let Rich fire a few all purpose low-recoil rounds for fun and then load him up with some slugs. He finishes up with all-purpose rounds, firing from the hip like we always see guys on TV shooting. He is blowing out the very center of the target with bullseye shots.

After an hour or so, when we finish, he exclaims, "I totally get it now. I totally understand the 'gun thing' where I didn't yesterday." The Range Safety Officer who was in on the whole process comes down at the end and says, "Yep, shotguns are like dessert: You save them for the end." LOL... Rich was hooked.

Guess who is a gun owner now? AND, his wife from Vermont, who loved tennis but hated saying the word gun, found out she really likes shooting the 9mm pistol he bought off a friend.

Honest story. Changing people's minds, one experience at a time...
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BX23S, 60" MMM
Nov 5, 2014
New York
Im behind enemy lines in Communist NY. It took a year for my pistol license.

The UnSafeAct has made several gunshops quit selling AR based rifles.

I have an AR pistol that passes UnSafeAct, but my county wont approve any more AR pistol amendments on licenses. Magazine is pinned to receiver. No detachable mag = no UnSafeAct rules apply. If I un-pin the magazine, and law enforcement sees it, I automatically face seven years.

Ammo purchased in volume raises red flags.

Emporer Cuomo has done nearly everything to make this California 2.0....


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
I had four friends flying in to drive to Nevada for the rifle class. It was simpler to have the ammo sent here for all of us. The order hung during process and I got a computer generated message that my order had been temporarily hung and the reason stated was :HIGH ROLLER. Must be the code word for volume purchases.

There is definitely some attention being paid by someone on quantity purchase via online stores.
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Kubota Newbie

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M4500, New Idea Cut-Ditioner, JD 14T Baler, IH "Plow Chief" plows, Oliver Rake
Dec 28, 2010
Mount Vernon, Ohio
Remember.... this is a "just the facts" thread to avoid conflicts in opinion.
Really be interested in in the regs. the outside of North America members have to deal with if they ever check in.

FWIW, the CCW process in Ohio is pretty simple. The mandatory class requirements are as much about safe handling as anything else. When I took mine I had hoped for a little more range time (just for fun & the chance to burn someone else's ammo). There was surprisingly little time spent on laws and the test is pretty simple.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Remember.... this is a "just the facts" thread to avoid conflicts in opinion.
Really be interested in in the regs. the outside of North America members have to deal with if they ever check in.

FWIW, the CCW process in Ohio is pretty simple. The mandatory class requirements are as much about safe handling as anything else. When I took mine I had hoped for a little more range time (just for fun & the chance to burn someone else's ammo). There was surprisingly little time spent on laws and the test is pretty simple.
My class didn't have much range time either. Maybe about an hours worth for folks to qualify. Had a little VR time in the class room for proper holding of a semi auto and trigger squeeze. The rest of the class time was covering the answers prior to the test, and some discussion on home safety as well as out in the public.



L3901HST w/FEL, 3rd fnct. BH77 BH, 5' Bushhog, 6' BBL, 42" Forks, WoodMaxx WM-8H
Apr 19, 2017
South Central VT.
In 1995 I had a business acquaintance from Havant, UK visit my home for supper one evening. The dinner conversation turned to firearms and there availability and use in England compared to the US. My guest informed me in England he can’t possess a real firearm. He had a large collection of replicas firearms, authentic looking toy guns essentially. He mentioned as a young boy his father had a shotgun but because he moved to the city had to give it up, since that day he had been captivated by firearms but never actually held or fired a real firearm.

So after dinner my wife said to me take him out back to the range and show him what real firearms are. Over the next week every night after dinner my guest tried all the firearms I had, from hi power semi-autos, bolt action, lever rifles to shotguns in multiple gauges and actions along with handguns from 22 to 44 with different actions along with some skeet shooting.

We took pictures, and recorded the sounds, he had a sore and black and blue shoulder before the week was done, he even took the paper targets home.

On all his return trips it seems it was all he could talk about and he showed me pictures of his replica collection which was quite extensive, if one did not know better they would think he was a real firearm collector. He said he has had the pictures of him firing actual firearms blown up and they cover the walls next to his replica collection, to the amazement of his envious family and friends in England.

I am still to this day amazed at the look on his face and his disbelief of the extents of our liberties every time he pulled the trigger. He then said he understood some of the reasoning for the revolutionary war, and why we wanted our independence from England, too much control over the subjects.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Idaho is pretty open and easy:

There is no state permit required for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun, or handgun.

No state permit is required to possess a rifle, shotgun or handgun.

It is unlawful to possess or carry any concealed weapon while intoxicated.

Idaho permits the open carrying of firearms.

Effective July 1, 2016, state law allows any Idaho resident to carry a concealed handgun without a license to carry, provided the person is over 21 years old and not disqualified from being issued a license to carry concealed weapons under state law. (S.L. 2016, ch. 208, § 1, eff. July 1, 2016.)

A person may also carry concealed weapons on or about his or her person without a license in the person***8217;s place of abode or fixed place of business, on property in which the person has any ownership or leasehold interest, or on private property where the person has permission to carry from any person with an ownership or leasehold interest in that property.

Machine Guns
It is lawful to possess, purchase, or sell a machine gun that is legally registered and possessed in compliance with all federal laws and regulations.

Yes we can legally possess automatic guns like an AR, AK, Tommy guns, or even a 50 cal if we want.

Antiques and Replicas
Idaho statutes are silent on antique and replica firearms. They are treated as ordinary firearms for possession and carrying purposes.
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Active member
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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
to keep it light & fluffy in this discussion.

my overall view of the gun situation is this....(& yes i really do this)

i try to build at least 1 new one every week.

this weekends victim was a 5.56 AK 74.

will throw a little more detail about this in my crazy weather thread.





2000 Kubota B2710, Woods BH75 backhoe, LandPride York Rake, B2783 Snow Blower
Jan 1, 2016
Rindge, NH
NH basically recently repealed the law that required a CC permit to carry guns so now anyone over 18 can carry concealed.

A few years ago my son said he purchased an M82A1 .50 cal sniper rifle. I had previously seen one at a dealer and he let us shoot a few rounds. It felt like the concussion from that weapon gave you a full "body slap" when it went off.

I called the state police to find out if it was legal to own one of these and the trooper said as long as it does not violate any federal laws it was legal in NH.

Surprised me a little but he did also say if you shoot it in NH you either need a mountain as a backstop or 5 miles of clear land behind it. Could only find one place that would let us shoot it and it had a mountain behind its gun range....

I think my son shot it once and then sold it, can't really go plinking with it with each round costing $5. Plus the kickback/recoil is very punishing... :)


Active member
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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
NH basically recently repealed the law that required a CC permit to carry guns so now anyone over 18 can carry concealed.

A few years ago my son said he purchased an M82A1 .50 cal sniper rifle. I had previously seen one at a dealer and he let us shoot a few rounds. It felt like the concussion from that weapon gave you a full "body slap" when it went off.

I called the state police to find out if it was legal to own one of these and the trooper said as long as it does not violate any federal laws it was legal in NH.

Surprised me a little but he did also say if you shoot it in NH you either need a mountain as a backstop or 5 miles of clear land behind it. Could only find one place that would let us shoot it and it had a mountain behind its gun range....

I think my son shot it once and then sold it, can't really go plinking with it with each round costing $5. Plus the kickback/recoil is very punishing... :)

im a huge 50bmg fan & have had several in belt fed machine guns & bolt action sniper rifles.

it does the job its supposed to do, but it can also be a lot of fun to shoot if you have a good place to do it. thats the key. having a good safe place to shoot it.

would agree that in NH probably not going to find a lot of places to shoot it.


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Remember.... this is a "just the facts" thread to avoid conflicts in opinion.
Really be interested in in the regs. the outside of North America members have to deal with if they ever check in.

FWIW, the CCW process in Ohio is pretty simple. The mandatory class requirements are as much about safe handling as anything else. When I took mine I had hoped for a little more range time (just for fun & the chance to burn someone else's ammo). There was surprisingly little time spent on laws and the test is pretty simple.
The best part of the CCW course for me was listening to Ken Hanson speak for about 2 hrs. Truly disappointed when they made him stop.

I consider the CCW just the start of my training. Work with your CCW a couple times a month. Invest in the next level of tactical / threat training so if God forbid you do have to use it, you are prepared.


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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
The best part of the CCW course for me was listening to Ken Hanson speak for about 2 hrs. Truly disappointed when they made him stop.

I consider the CCW just the start of my training. Work with your CCW a couple times a month. Invest in the next level of tactical / threat training so if God forbid you do have to use it, you are prepared.
you are a bit north from me.... but do they honor open carry in your county?

& did you have to follow up with that paper saying you would no longer open carry once you had your CCW?

David Page

Active member

1974 L260, 6" bush hog, subsoiler, spring tooth harrow, boom pole, 2 bottom plow
Jun 25, 2013
Dexter, ME
Hello sdk1968 What would you recommend for someone to keep on hand for parts for an AR-15? Natchez has a field kit that seems like a starting point. Thanks

David Page

Active member

1974 L260, 6" bush hog, subsoiler, spring tooth harrow, boom pole, 2 bottom plow
Jun 25, 2013
Dexter, ME
Excellent answer Wolfman! Very simple, but how do I explain it when I get home?