It appears my comment about turning up the fuel 4 turns has opened the “ your a dumb shit” portal…lol
I didn't mean to offend, just wanted to make sure we were trying to diagnose the original problem, and not going off on a wild goose chase chasing a side-effect of the 4 turns, or that it didn't create a new and different problem.
But it seems like if the pump plungers were scoured, you had low pressure and volume and that didn't happen overnight (in this case, anyway.. you didn't run it on gas etc). So not pushing enough fuel to start the engine at low throttle.. checks out. Making you want to tinker with fuel settings.. makes sense. I'm guessing they 're-indexed' or readjusted that fuel screw when they went through the pump, because if you turned the fuel up and still had clear exhaust before, i expect if they fixed the actual pump problem and you
still had '4 more than stock' you'd now be rolling coal.
Anyway, no offense meant. Glad it's fixed!