Fuel prices


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B6200, Kubota 2030 Front Blade, King Cutter 60" finishing deck
Jan 11, 2022
Gallatin, NY USA
Well, to add more issues to the fire, I was in a meeting with our HVAC division last Friday.

The short story, as we all know getting supplies is almost impossible. Supplies/vendors have told our HVAC department to start rigging up workarounds because they have no parts to send them.

We all that this was bad, until the HVAC director explained that the EPA has R410 phase out that will go into effect at the end of this year.

This has led to shorts along with the supply chain issue.

In addition, currently there is nothing readily available that is backwards compatible with R410 cooling systems. So basically, next year they have multiple stores we service that they will not be able to get coolant/refringent for and that these systems will have to be replaced by the stores with systems that no one can currently get. These systems keep cool/frozen the food and most use them for the entire store.

They have talked to stores, some can't afford the proposed system and currently, the supply of the systems are months to years off before they will be arriving.

Sadly, it appears it will get a lot worst before it gets better especially, if our government doesn't make some changes.
The R410 phase out was announced in 2015 ! Almost 8 years to prepare. The industry should have been prepared by now. Sounds like my old company that sent more profits to the execs and cut the R&D departments.
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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Sounds like my old company that sent more profits to the execs and cut the R&D departments.
One of the biggest problems with industry in this country.
That was certainly the case with the company I retired from. 🤬


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Lifetime Member

Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
The R410 phase out was announced in 2015 ! Almost 8 years to prepare. The industry should have been prepared by now. Sounds like my old company that sent more profits to the execs and cut the R&D departments.
You are correct with when it was announced. As far as how they pay, couldn't tell you, I don't work for them.

Yet, 8 years to R&D and test in real world settings is not a lot of time. Yet they did come up with three alternatives RS32 (new equipment (which is flammable)), RS51, and RS53 (old equipment). My limited understanding (I'm not a tech guy, I'm HR and Safety) is the even though RS53 is sold as a direct replacement, it is not for all older systems. The RS51 seems to be having better results as a direct replacement.

Since the new products hit the US market last year (2021), you can imagine the availability of such products.

We are stuck in the middle trying to figure out how to keep things going and unfortunately our bag of tricks is getting smaller and smaller. None of the vendors/suppliers have any solutions readily available, so it will be the customers and the consumers that suffer. IF and when the supply chain issues resolve, then some of the other issues can be overcome.
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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
Well, to add more issues to the fire, I was in a meeting with our HVAC division last Friday.

The short story, as we all know getting supplies is almost impossible. Supplies/vendors have told our HVAC department to start rigging up workarounds because they have no parts to send them.

We all that this was bad, until the HVAC director explained that the EPA has R410 phase out that will go into effect at the end of this year.

This has led to shorts along with the supply chain issue.

In addition, currently there is nothing readily available that is backwards compatible with R410 cooling systems. So basically, next year they have multiple stores we service that they will not be able to get coolant/refringent for and that these systems will have to be replaced by the stores with systems that no one can currently get. These systems keep cool/frozen the food and most use them for the entire store.

They have talked to stores, some can't afford the proposed system and currently, the supply of the systems are months to years off before they will be arriving.

Sadly, it appears it will get a lot worst before it gets better especially, if our government doesn't make some changes.
All of these 'climate driven'/Eco-friendly steps to phase out refrigerants ( a mere 12 yrs for R410a) is now biting us in the butt. Just had a new unit installed at my home (R410a) and now the refrigerant for it will begin phase out in the next year or so.

Yes, total phase out will likely be over a 10 yr. period (we hope) but as you say....there is no 'drop in' replacement for R410 currently. Both businesses and consumers are/will be caught up in what is sure to be a rough transition. Hopefully they will settle on R32 and then leave it the hell alone!
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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Paid $5.99 for diesel yesterday. Gas was $5.00.


Well-known member

BX231, Ortolan T10
Feb 25, 2021
This article is a politically-inspired fake (as was reported by several sources) and contains gross misconceptions, if not outright lies...

Not sure how true this is, but makes sense. Why is it overseas where oil is being produced its pennies on the dollar. But not here?... :unsure:

Written by BP Oil Executive
Brice Cromwell.
This explains it all:
I’ve been in oil and gas for a decade and sometimes forget how the average person may not know what I see everyday.
We, the American people, have enough oil and gas under our feet to supply our demand and also export our products for years to come.
No matter your political opinion, we can all agree the gas prices we see now are upsetting.
What everyone needs to understand is that the high gas prices are not because of some conflict overseas - prices were high well before that. The prices are not high because our American supply simply vanished.
The prices are high because the people who run our country have decided to import oil from another country instead of using our very own American made product.
Using our own product creates lower prices, puts hard working American people to work with very good paying jobs and makes us as a country energy independent - Not dependent on another country to survive.
We all saw that not long ago.
Not only have the people in power decided to kill American jobs and create high prices, but they’ve also passed legislation to make it harder for an American oil and gas company to produce & transport our very own product.
Forget for one second who was President when our prices at the pump were low and our economy was booming and realize that that person was simply “For the people”. If you take away your dislike for DJT, you’ll admit that you miss those times and enjoyed them. Your 401K was higher, gas prices were lower and we were booming as a country.
Now after a year of our current admin, you’ll realize that these people are “not for the people”. They are for themselves and their foreign business deals.
The high gas prices should be enough for you to see that.
The supply is still here, the hard-working Americans to produce it are still here.
Having a booming economy is still possible.
So no matter what you’re told by the news, realize that if we had people in power who were for us Americans, it could be as good it was before.
Nothing has changed as far as oil and gas from 2016-2020 to the last year.
It didn’t just dry up.
It’s here, we are here to produce it.
We can go back to lower prices at the pump.
All we need is the people in power to want that.
Lastly, since we all got to witness someone running our country for four years who truly wanted the best “for the people” as we can clearly see the “then & now” comparison as we speak. Remember every media outlet and political person wanted you to hate him, wanted to impeach him and did everything they could do be against him.
They were against the man who wanted things to be good for US, the American people.
Those same people are not against the current leadership.
Makes you wonder who’s side they’re all on….
BP Oil Executive
Brice Cromwell


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Yesterday red diesel was 5.56 only cost me 93 bucks to fill 3 cans,, Bud down over the hill cost him 1200 bucks for his 265 gallon bulk tank

Tughill Tom

Well-known member

Dec 23, 2013
Turin, NY
Yesterday red diesel was 5.56 only cost me 93 bucks to fill 3 cans,, Bud down over the hill cost him 1200 bucks for his 265 gallon bulk tank
Good Times, for sure :mad: Just over a hundred days to the mid's, I hope we normal folks can hang on to make a statement.
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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I think we maybe on the down hill slide, the days of wine and roses are over
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L6060HSTC, RTV 1100
May 15, 2022
Just did some math. Gas is 2.07/liter, BEER is 5.01/liter. So lets just keep things in perspective. 😁


Well-known member

B6200, Kubota 2030 Front Blade, King Cutter 60" finishing deck
Jan 11, 2022
Gallatin, NY USA
Just did some math. Gas is 2.07/liter, BEER is 5.01/liter. So lets just keep things in perspective. 😁
I calculated my retirement on certain costs of living.
My bourbon is still around $50 US / liter, but gas went way up.
So now I drink , but do not drive. Easy choice.
If I was still commuting 100 miles a day the wife would need to stop eating.
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Well-known member

BX231, Ortolan T10
Feb 25, 2021
If it can be of any consolation to some: in Belgium today, diesel is the Euro-equivalent of $8.81/gal.
  • Wow
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I just saw where france is going to start up some of those dirty coal powered