When analyzing fuel prices you should take into account state taxes. There is a spread of 50 cents per gallon between the lowest and highest state for gasoline and 65 cents for diesel. I save 36 cents on diesel by crossing a state line near me.
Correct, and now they made his sidekick a senator.I think Pa still has the highest gas tax in the country,,, day after the wolf man took office I think
Yep. But there are other factors in play (state taxes). There are towns in AZ and NM less than 40 miles apart and I’ve seen the same western refining tank trucks filling stations in both states, yet the AZ fuel is .50 higher.They are still getting the product from much closer
Well of course taxes are a factor. However, the places we live have roughly the same on fuel (pretty low, actually). Just costs more to sent it north and the cost of having a station in a particular area is significantly differentYep. But there are other factors in play (state taxes). There are towns in AZ and NM less than 40 miles apart and I’ve seen the same western refining tank trucks filling stations in both states, yet the AZ fuel is .50 higher.
Yep sleepy joe and mr potato head what a comboCorrect, and now they made his sidekick a senator.