because I opened my fair share of diesel injection system over the years. including the Bosch VP37 electronicaly controled and the 2 stages injectors after 2 years of burning used veggie oil in my own daily driven VW TDI. The level of refinement inside the kubota fuel pump make it look as technicaly advanced as a brick compared to the CARB complying diesel injection systems.Cooking oil, WOW thats a new one. I've heard it all now. I have heard of guys on here in the past when this topic has come up before and say they add power steering fluid to the diesel system. I think one fella said he adds small amouts of gear oil or something to his diesel. Why do you feel the need to add cooking oil to your diesel? And how do you know cooking oil isnt tearing up and gumming up your injector system?!?!
Oil is heavier than diesel and yes they do mix very well. Using vegetable oil is as old as the diesel engine itself and mixing it with low sulfur diesel is common practice as long as it is less than 3% total volume.Veggie oil gets refined to use as biodiesel yeah but I still dont see adding a few ounces of veggie oil from a bottel into a fuel tank helping much. Oil in diesel is still like oil and water, they dont mix and the oil stays ontop.
OK what doesnt make sense here is your mixing 25% unleaded gasoline and 75% diesel and also mention dont use alcohol based additives. Well your gasoline must be alot different in Canada then the U.S. because down here all our gas has E-10 in it which is 10% ethyl alcohol. So wouldn't adding 25% unleaded be the same as adding an alcoholic additive and tear up your fuel pump???I also ran up to 25% unleaded to 75% diesel as an antigel during the worst weeks of canadian winter.
if you don't feel comfortable with it, just put diesel. Just stay away from any alcohol based additive; it's way too dry for the moving parts inside the pump.
the gasoline as an additive is to lower the cloud point of the diesel fuel. I just use it during winter and only during the usual 2 weeks we have @ -31FOK what doesnt make sense here is your mixing 25% unleaded gasoline and 75% diesel and also mention dont use alcohol based additives. Well your gasoline must be alot different in Canada then the U.S. because down here all our gas has E-10 in it which is 10% ethyl alcohol. So wouldn't adding 25% unleaded be the same as adding an alcoholic additive and tear up your fuel pump???
The diesel was first designed to run off peanut oil. But none was mass produced at the time. And yes bio diesel today is refined fryer or veggie oil. Which Im sure has some chemicals added to it for it to be combustive and crank over a motor.So, adding the canola in warm weather but not cold. How much canola to diesel? And I think I'd be right to say that, originally, the diesel was made for bio - oil, and that eventually it was modified for naptha, no?
you should just stop spreading theories or suppositions and try something.Which Im sure has some chemicals added to it for it to be combustive and crank over a motor.
I add around 10% for the added lubricity.Machold said:How much canola to diesel?