We have relatives from suburbia in Texas.
Sometimes came for an extended stay with their motor home around our hay season in upstate New York. This was 50 years ago.
We took for granted things like keeping your eye on the kicker and watching your path of travel when riding on top of the hay wagon.
We warned them many times of some of the hazards of being on a dairy farm….

These kids had no clue. One caught a bale in the back of the head right off the kicker. Another got tagged by a low maple limb while riding on top of the hay on the road. One ran into a thornapple and was stuck badly with several thorns real deep.
They often left for home with some bumps and bruises. Besides a broken arm, most injuries were minor……
Had other cousins that came to the farm Labor Day weekend. They had on their brand new shoes for the upcoming school year. Despite their parents’s warnings about the barn, they went running through the barn out into the barnyard…..manure up to the tops of their new shoes….

. Mom and dad were “displeased.”